Saturday, June 28, 2008

Coming Home

Our last few hours in Honduras. We will be leaving the hotel around 9:30 - 10:00 after eating breakfast. Parents, get ready for a suitcase full of dirty, smelly clothes and shoes. We will travel by bus to San Pedro Sulu and wait for our plane to take us to San Salvador (at least I think that is where we are going? That's where we flew into on the way over to Honduras, so I am thinking that it is the same on the way back. Keith isn't up for me to verify, but I do know that we are supposed to be getting into the Miami airport around 2:00 a.m. Hopefully we will be able to retrieve all our bags quickly at that time in the morning and get on the road. We will stop for breakfast and hopefully arrive in time for church services tomorrow.

Keith gave a phenomenal final devotional last night at the Jesus statue. We finished a great but emotional day from the special needs orphanage visit, handing out food and clothing to the needy at Union, blind school visit and then the Jesus statue. As we looked at this statue of Jesus that is approximately 150 feet tall, it is a very visable reminder of why we are here in Honduras. Jesus is very much in our hearts and minds while we are here. Keith challenged us all to keep Jesus in the forefront of our thoughts, minds and hearts when we return. Let's not forget that the joy we feel now can be and should be felt all year long. There are so many people in our community that need us to reach out to them, just as we do here. It's a big challenge as we come off this spiritual high, but one we all will strive to maintain and with the Lord's help can achieve. God's blessings to you all. See you soon.

Friday, June 27, 2008

To Vince's Family
This is Tonia, I just wanted you to know that i spent the morning with Vince and 18 other wonderful people visiting the Special Needs Orphanage. This is always a tough visit for me each year but so rewarding! I know that we are there to bring joy to the children, but the joy that fills my heart each year from my own visiting is overwhelming. On top of that i get to experience this visit with some awesome kids and adults, and i wanted you to know that Vince was truly amazing today *nothing unusual there, he has been such a hard worker throughout this trip*. The time i spent watching him and taking pictures was such an incredible experience. He played hard and loved so much. Listening to him and his little friend laugh and laugh filled my heart. Not unlike the experience i got from being with CJ last year, or David before that! I wish you could have been there, i think someone took a short video of part of their playtime so i will try to get that to you. You have raised a wonderful son, whose light has shined amazingly bright these past 2 weeks, and one who i know you are so proud of, he has shown so much love and affection to so many!
My Matt and Jillian,

Today God continued to touch my life in wonderful ways. I started the day with a visit to the special needs orphanage. I played with a sweet girl and we both got great laughs by having her do spin outs in her wheelchair. Her squeal of joy was amazing! Then we went to the blind school and played with the children there. As I walked through the door a precious boy was standing there and I asked his name. He told me it was Christian. As he asked mine I replied and he repeated what sounded like Jillian. I have to say it took me back for a moment. I explained Jillian was my bambino at home and for the rest of the afternoon we were great friends! After we played they sang for us and it sounded like angels in heaven. Then we sang for them and they listened so intently. I have many more details and tremendous moments to share with you. That is just a quick note that does not even begin to convey Gods hand that was upon us today. As the day is coming to an end I am looking forward to seeing you both and holding you soon. I am certainly leaving a piece of my heart here though. God has given me many lessons through this trip and I am looking forward to living those.
I will not post again as I know tomorrow morning will be busy and will be on our way home with the Lords help. I know you are praying for all of our safe travels so thank you.
I can not wait to hug and kiss you both about a million times!!
All my love,
Written on Wednesday-

From Hayden

Hi! We went to Moloa today, which is my favorite. We went there yesterday too, but we cooked and served food, and today we did our VBS program. Monday we went to the hospital. I dont know what we are doing tomorrow but I hope its special needs. Im so excited to see my room! And I'm so excited to see you and daddy! Just a few more days! Thanks for accepting my proposition! Heres the deets- July 13-19, leave on a Sunday, take me up to Sammi's house in Orlando, camps in Eustis. Its $155 if you turn it in 2 weeks in advance. Register online at Request to be roomed with Sammi Conley. Thanks so much! Love you and miss you! Love Hayden

From Ashley Keyso

Gabe- I really hope that everthing is good at home! I miss you alot, and no I didn't get to see Jonathon. Turns out he moved, but I know that it's for the better , it just stinks that I can't see him. I've been sick since yesterday, but I feel good today! Hopefully I'll be able to go to the mountain tomorrow! I wish you were here! I love you and miss you!

From Abbey
Hi Daddy! Are you excited to have your favorite daughter back home? I love and miss you.

We Have Your Back

Good Morning to All from Honduras,

It is our last day in Honduras and we all are wondering where the time went and how can it possibly be over for another year. We have a busy day today and all look forward to today's events. A small group will be traveling to the special needs orphanage and then the entire group will make our last bus trip to Union to distribute 200 bags of food and clothing. Union is one of the neediest villages and a place so desperate for help. It's hard for many to see so many in need and know that what we have will not come close to helping all who need it. If you allow yourself to look at it that way, than one is tempted to think that what we are doing is ineffective. We have to realize that those that we are able to build a home for, provide food and clothing for, or teach in VBS would not have received this blessing without us. It gives us courage and renews our desire to come back each year to fulfill the ever present need.

We all eagerly look forward to visiting the blind school. I am hoping to see my special friend from last year. The children raise money for their school with their singing. We will sing to each other and it is truly a song that touches your ears and hearts. A good game of soccer where our team members will be blind folded is always good for some laughs. I'm sure there will be some good pictures posted on the blog following this activity. We will be late getting back to the hotel tonight because we are ending our trip visiting the Jesus statue and having our closing devo high atop the mountain. A great way to end our 2 weeks here in Honduras.

Each one of us needs other people to watch out for us, to defend us, protect us, and help us stay on track. In the book of Philippians, the apostle Paul tells us that we should look out for each other's interests, not just our own. We all need a community of people who are saying to us: We'll be with you when you're going through the tough times. We're not going to let you get discouraged or depressed. That is what we have tried to do in our two weeks here. To send the message to these special people that Jesus is alive and well. That His love for them is overflowing and the Good News is for each and every one of them. We have your back Honduras. Our love and prayers will remain with you and you will remain in our hearts. Until next year.

Last Day in Honduras

Thursday, June 26, 2008

From Tami Milner

Charles I hope you have been enjoying all the messages and pictures. We are winding down know and preparing to come home! We leave the hotel at 9 00 am Saturday morning so tomorrow will be our last day. We have a lot of activities lined up but NO building, unless they dont finish the 4 from this morning. This has been a great trip. Only a few kids got sick but fortunately all of them had their mommies here! CJ is still the same, we may take him tonight for tests just to be on the safe side but he did get to rest all day. Dont be late for Church Sunday, we may need help unloading the bus! I miss you, Love Tami

Thanks for taking care of CJ's Dr. appt. Tell Jamie that Catie and Alyssa have been straightening my hair for me but they will never replace her! See you Sunday, hopefully the whole family will be there. Save us a seat! We didn't have much time to shop so Nic, Alex and Alexa are the only ones getting surprises. Love Tami

We visited the hospital today with a group of 10. Vince has been doing alot of construction so it was a nice change for him. Yesterday he did VBS in a village that we worked in last year. He did arts and crafts It was so nice to see the kids again. We couldnt believe that they remembered us! Vince was great with the kids although I had to help him with the balloon animals. Did you see the picture of him on the blog? That was supposed to be a flower that he made for the little girl! She said she really liked it! He is doing great, slowing down a little meaning he isn't running up and down the stairs quite as much! Did Aaron notice his muscles in the picture from yesterday? I think Tonia was having too much fun and decided to try photoshop! Enjoy your weekend in Ocala, we will get Vince home safe. Tami
My Matt and Jillian,

Yesterday was another day of blessings here. I went to Monoloha which is a church and center that feeds children lunch daily. It was incredible to see precious children there. I got to work in the kitchen and help put the bowls of food together and then wash dishes. I have to tell you those were the best dishes I ever washed knowing that they came from feeding children who may only have that one meal for the day. The women in the kitchen were kind and loving and I am so impressed with the work that is being done there. I then went to play with the children that didn´t make it in the VBS. We had a great time laughing and playing. They gave their hugs, love and laughter to me freely which I was grateful to absorb. In the picture below they are teaching me a new game. I can´t wait to get home to teach it to Jillian and the other children. It is alot of fun and we played over and over.
God has supplied me with abundant blessings on this trip and has touched ares of my life in new ways. I know that coming here He has supplied me with far greater blessings than I am able to return. His power and love overwhelm me.

Jillian, my heart smiles when I hear that you are having fun. I just can´t tell you what an experience this is and I am looking forward to teaching you many of the things that God has taught me here.

Matt, I have so much to share with you about the people here, our servants from Northwest, and the work. All of it encompasses such love for our Father. Can you see His light shining all the way from here?

I love and miss you both so much and really miss your hugs and kisses. I hope you have alot stored up for me!!
Sending all of mine your way,
Gina aka Mommy

Thanks for everything, I am so glad that you all are having fun. Your daughter lead a girls devo last night and did such a great job. I wish you were here to hear it. Rob continues to work hard and be his wonderful AH! self. Be proud and know they love the Lord deeply.

Your son lead the morning devo yesterday. While I wasn´t able to hear it those who told me about it were very moved. Your children are doing much hard work here. Heather is a wrok horse like Chris and they are both pouring themselves out for Him.

Laura is doing great! She had sch a fun day yesterday seeing children she knew. I can tell that she loves the work here and enjoys serving. Be proud!

All the parents
Smile and know that the work here continues by the loving acts of your children. All of their beautiful aspects shine so brightly here. They are such an encouragement and I am amazed to watch them. May we continue to pray for our children to follow the path of Christ as they grow.

Hey Momma,

I really miss you and have had a lot of Hondurans ask about you. It´s really hard to leave and I´m not ready, but I really want to see you and Dad too. Sorry I couldn´t talk to you as much as I wanted to and I love you and Dad very much and can´t wait to see you. Love tattyhead.
To Beverly and Tom,

Just wanted to share with you what great children you have. Had a moment to talk with Heather yesterday (she actually came to my room to use her hair dryer which she so graciously loaned Katrina and I since both of us sacrificed to make the luggage weight limit). I am so impressed with her sweet, loving and mature attitude. She is a lovely person on the inside and out. Of course, you know how I feel about Chris (my other son). He makes me laugh (we had a good time working together on a roof 2 days ago)His agility on stepping from board to board is monkey-like! Two lovely young people that you can be so proud of! Have a great day and can´t wait to see you.


I shared with Eddie the first week how much I enjoyed working with Rob the first couple of days. His kindness, thoughtfulness and compassionate nature are remarkable in a young man of his age. He is great with the younger kids and us young at heart kids as well.

Brittany and I have actually been able to work several times together on some work crews. She has really impressed me and I have seen her grow and mature right before my eyes as the days go by. She never hesitates to step right up when needed to carry a board, use the heavy pick, provide a nail, hammer in a board and last but not least, be the official sweeper of the inside of the house when we are finished! I´m so proud of her and know you would be too!

Austin is doing great and has fit right in with the work here in Honduras. He seems to be having a great time and works so very hard to help out in whatever needs to be done. He will have lots of stories to share! I´m so glad he came on this trip!

Smiles Abound

Top of the Morning to All from Honduras!

This is our last work day on the mountain. We have plans to build our last 4 houses today which will be 30 homes built! We are praying for good weather and good sites. We also will have a final visit to the hospital and a small group returning to Moaloah (sp?)to serve food and start the building of steps made out of tires. We will be distributing 200 bags of food and clothing at Union today as well.

Yesterday, at Moaloah, a large group traveled to Moaloah for the last VBS. 100 children attended (only had materials and room for that many). More had to be turned away - now that will break your heart to see a child eagerly waiting to attend VBS and not be able to get inside. The VBS this year was a huge success. Gabriel and his helpers had a fabulous program that shared bible stories and each step had a great craft activity to reinforce the lesson. The children made sashes, t-shirts, plates, crowns and received flip flops. At the end they also were given a snack of crackers, cookies and juice along with a goody bag filled with donated and new stuffed animals and toys and candy. The children who didn´t get to attend the VBS were played with by some of us and we did our best to entertain them with games, gum and when all else failed, we used markers and drew pictures on their hands and painted the girls fingernails! These children were able to receive a goody bag as well. The smiles were ever present and endless. When VBS ended we distributed 100 bags of food up the mountain to some of the neediest families.

Although we all are moving a little slower, have new bruises and scratches from our work, we can not wait to build on this last day, knowing that 4 more families will have a new home today. We will cherish our final day at the hospital to share the love of Jesus to those in need. We will serve food to the hungry and build steps to make their climb to church and school at little easier. Tired muscles and bodies are forgotten when you remember what all will be accomplished at the end of the day.
May each of you have a great day as we all serve God wherever we are.
In Him,
Note from Tonia
Mom, we are able to download pictures from many of us here, it is just a job finding time to get them loaded to the blog. Glad you are enjoying them! We are all tired, but excited to build 4 more tomorrow. I can't wait to see everyone we miss you all!!!
love and hugs and good night!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To Cindy Randolph
Ana did the women's devotional tonight and did a wonderful job speaking about the value of sisters in Christ and how we treat those friendships. I know you are already proud of her, but i just wanted you to know what a wonderful job she did!!!
love and miss your hugs,
Note from Tonia
David, i hope you are having a good week. We are accomplishing a lot of wonderful things here, and getting to visit with old friends, but you are definitely missed!!!
Things are winding down, and the plan is to build the final 4 houses tomorrow. Not sure what area we are building in. I hope you will be able to make it home before school starts, do you know when you finish working? I can´t wait to call you on the way home, sometime Saturday night. love and miss you so much!!!!
From Angela
Hi Mikey
Thank you for my message. This trip has been great. Miss seeing you here. I will tell you all about it when I see you. Take care. Love you.

From George and Shannon
Jess and Boys aka DelCastillo Crew
Surprisingly enough we miss you guys quite a bit! haha. Hope you guys are having a great time with Amos and Pa! Give everyone hugs and kisses for me and bug Uncle Alan a little for me as well!
Jess, can´t wait until you can take this trip with us!!! (we´ll start working on your dad and Ralf) :)
You guys have a great rest of your trip, but hurry home so we can go swim, do some improv tv, and have some other......... FUN!!! hahaha!
Love you guys so much!

Angie and Alan
Mom said you guys had a great VBS and the boys really enjoyed it. Wish I could have seen your skits Alan!
Georgi and I are going to be heading to Monaloa in a little bit to do a VBS program for about 100 children. We are really looking forward to it.
Love and miss you guys!

Congrats on number 2!!! (the test)
Wish you guys could be here with us!
Can´t wait to come home and share our trip with you.
You wanna buy lunch Sunday? haha!
See you soon!
George and Shannon
From Suzanne,

Adam, by the time you read this, your soccer camp will have ended and we will only have one more day in Honduras before traveling home. I am looking forward to seeing you when we arrive for church services (hopefully). We will not have much time to visit before you leave again on vacation, so we will just pack as much time in as we can on catching up. I love you with all my heart. Jim and Jan, hope all is well and you have received my emails. Thank you again for everything you have done to help make this trip possible. I am forever in your debt and filled with gratitude. Your love and support are such blessings in my life.
All my love (tons)

Uniquely Prepared

Good Wednesday Morning from Honduras!

Yesterday was another productive, successful day with 4 more houses being completed. That puts our total count to 24 homes to date. Which means at least 100 people have a new home with a roof over their head that didn´t before we came here. This is a very conservative number because many families have twice that number. Can you imagine a 12 x 14 structure holding 8 people? The Honduran people are so very grateful for this gift and reward us with hugs, smiles and tears as we pack up our tools to leave. Such a wonderful, complete feeling at the end of a day. Now that´s a good day´s work!

A large group paid another visit to the hospital and were rewarded with knowing that they touched the lives of many. When you see a group of teenagers go up to a bed of a sick or injured child and bring a smile to their face or distract a young child who is in tears from getting an IV by blowing bubbles, what better reward is there?

The Monoloa group of 8 traveled by taxi since the buses were being used to take the other groups. They helped served food to the children and were also asked to help build a small wall. The group stepped right up to the task and showed their flexibility and ended up doing contruction even though they did not sign up for construction that day. Doing what needs to be done.

So many tasks and so many roles to fill while here in Honduras. God gave us all a unique role to play in his Kingdom. Each person has a unique mix of spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, personality, and experiences. We all are shaped for a specific ministry and no one else can fulfill your mission. It´s such a great experience to witness each person trying new things here and discovering that they have abilities and sometimes even a passion for a particular work. For some, it is the unique gift of playing with the children, showering them with love, bringing a smile to their face and laughter. Others minister to the sick and show compassion and provide comfort to the children and their families in a time of great stress. Some of us discover that swinging a hammer, putting on a roof and yes, even digging rocks out of holes for posts results in a home. Many hands and organizational skills are used to sort, bag and distribute food to the hungry. As we discover these gifts and passions we are discovering that God has prepared us for this mission. You may think you don´t have any skills God can use, but the truth is that God would never send us on a mission without making sure we had everything we needed - including our unique shape and the Holy Spirit active in us. If it is true that God gives each of us a unique gole to play in his Kingdom, than we need to start living as if we really believed it. Just think what we can accomplish?
(submitted by Suzanne)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

From Gina

My Matt and Jillian,

It was another wonderful day here, Praise God! He gave us the ability to build again and all the teams completed the houses. I built today and it was another moving experience. It started sprinkling a few times as we were building, but God keep the rain away and we were able to finish. I enjoy getting to know the families, as best I can with my few Spanish words I know. They are so loving and grateful for the houses they are given. I find myself at a loss for words when I try to tell you about the acts of service that our taking place by the servants here to glorify God. God's hand is working masterfully here and He is orchestrating such beauty.

I am happy that things are going so well there. I miss you both tremendously and appreciate your notes, they give me so much joy! Again I am sending many hugs and kisses your way!!
All my love to you both,
Gina aka Mommy


It is really awesome here, you are going to love it! I am glad that you saw Jillian and Mom at the mall today and had fun. I so appreciate the loving examples of Christ that you and Monica are to Jillian. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


I can't wait to tell you all about this trip, it is awesome! God is mighty, always remember that. His active presence is at work in our lives and that is so powerful. I look forward to seing you on Sunday!

Parents who have children on the trip

I am sure that you are praying for your children here to complete God's work. I can assure you those prayers are being answered! They are all working very hard and doing it with such joy. I wish each of you could get a glipse of your child in action, it is so beautiful! They are truly being servants and are doing exactly what we are called to do for our Savior by bringing much glory to His name. Be proud and praise Him!
From George and Shannon

Dear Davis and Hernandez Crew

We are fnally here and having a great time doing God's work! Our first 24 hours in Honduras has been eventful. Georgie and I got to work on the same crew yesterday. He jumped right in and did a great job on his first house and he's still in one piece, yah! Can't wait to tell you all about it.

Love and miss you all.

From Heather

I had no idea that you were sending all those messages everyday. I wrote a note to you the other day, but I guess it didn't make it to the computer. I miss you and love you. Justina asked about you and I told her you were coming next year. She's the one who writes me letters. I cried so much when I saw Fernando, one of my boys. So it turns out the spanish minor is coming in handy, thanks for pushing me to stick it out! I have gotten to do so much with it. Dad, if you were at the hospital today you would be glad to know things have improved at least a little. Today I held a girls hand while she had a huge syringe of pain mediciation through her IV. I love you and miss you. Will try to get ahold of this blog book more often.

From Crystal H

Well it was so KOOL! I pulled a Sondra! I saw my friend Paige from CFBC in Vally of the Angels. Insane, right. I got most people souveners and I got a Honduras shirt. Yesterday I went to the hospital and met a little boy named Hurdy. He has cancer, but just a few more treatements and they say it will be gone. I miss you so much.

From Hayden

Hi! Sorry I haven't written in a few days, we've been very busy. How's my room lookin'. Have you heard from Jenn, Rachel, or Jackie. If you do, tell them hello from me. I have a proposition, two weeks after we get home is CFBC teen week. Please consider letting me go because I really want to. If you let me I can go with Sammi and it's $20 off if you turn in money soon. I'd be home for 2 full weeks before it starts, so think about it. I miss you all so, soo, sooo much! Can't wait to see you in a coule days. I love you!

From Kate

Hey Mom and Dad,
I hope you had a good birthday Daddy. Yesterday and today have been so much fun! I went to the hospital and sorted food and went to my favorite village. I have so many stories and I can't wait to tell you. Ms. Angela says "Happy Birthday and she loves you." Can't wait to see.

PS Gina and Suzanne said Happy Birthday, too!!! Bettye, thank you for the Georgia update.
From Laura

Hey Mom and family! I typed a note for you all but no one said anything back! I miss yall I got on Mr. Rick's team again! Yay! I've gotten to roof a lot! Can't wait to see all of you. Keith bought all the birthday people a cake tonight, he is so cool. We sang then ate them. Love and miss everyone! P.S. Nana- thanks for taking care of mom and my cat (ha ha)

From Ana

Momma, Eli and Jillian

We're having a great time! Can't believe how fast it's going! Momma, thank you for the note you sent with Gina! It made my day! I love you! Way to go, Munchkin, for runner up Mr. CFBC! Sounds like you had quite an adventure- can't wait to hear about it! Jillian Rose, I miss you so much! Thank you for my beautiful picture! I'm taking good care of your mommy-she's having so much fun! I can't wait to show you all my pictures when I get home. Give Boo and E-I a BIG hug and kiss from me! I love you (all)! Love Ana/Nani

From Gina

Matt and Jillian,
Today I helped build a house. It was a tremendous experience and blessing to me and I can't to tell you all about it and show you all the pictures. Casey and CJ were the crew leaders and were great! JILLIAN, I know you are having lots of fun. I hope you are enjoying the notes and treats I left for you. Today I met a little girl who is about the same age as you. She was so sweet and will live in the house we built. I could imagine you playing and laughing with her. MATT, I am humbled by the work God is doing here- it is tremendous. All of the people on this trip are working so hard for Him. I wish you were with me to experience it. Thank you for all you are doing while I'm away. I love and miss you both!! Tons of hugs and kisses to you! Gina a.k.a. Mommy

To all the parents with kids on this trip-
I wish each of you could get a glimpse of your children in action. They were working so hard and loving so deeply- you should be very proud of them! They are awesome!

It is a beautiful oppurtunity to come here. I am excited for when you can come. I have lots of pictures to show you. Much love, Gina

Thanks for taking special care of JIllian. I am so glad you all had fun! I can't wait to share with you all of God's goodness!! Tell Eli I said HI! and you all hug each other for me!

From Jan and Bob

To the Matthews Gang-
Thank you for your messages and encouragement, Everything is going well here, yeasterday (Monday) we made our 300 bags of food, will distribute on Friday. Besides building houses, we will sort clothes and some will go to the childrens hospital. Dad's building everyday. I like to go to the hospital but I've developed a cough so I'll forego it this time. Love to each of you. Happy birthday to Michael and Zayden tomorrow- we'll be thinking about you- take care. Keep us in your prayers- you are in ours! Love Mom and Dad

From Gabriel and Angela

Dear Irene and Gabriel,

I read your message and was very glad to hear from you. My heart skipped a beat because I had not heard or read the word tio in a long time and it makes me think about how much I miss you guys.

Irene, I can not tell you enough how proud you are of you and the perseverance you took upon yourselves to make a better life for the Garcias and Gabriel, the same goes for you, I just keep thinking and thinking about how proud your mother would be of you two, I can picture her face telling me about the both of you with her beautiful eyes wide open telling me about her babies and most say, it brings tears to my eyes.

To the rest of NW,
Sunday is approaching rapidly and I cannot wait to be back there and sing with you guys *not that the singing here is not good* but you know is like a mother’s meal, there is just something beautiful and priceless about it and you just miss it and nothing tastes better. I love you guys very much!!!

To my family–
If you are reading and keeping up – I want you to know that this place is perfect for you. I know how much you guys love to help people and to be in a group and play around and plainly have a good time – I know how much you also love the kids from our church and I just have to say: I wish you were all here so bad – it aches!!!

All my love to everyone and may God be praised,
His servant,


Our first hospital visit took place yesterday. For the first timers, it is sometimes a shock to see the dirty conditions, the lack of personnel and supplies. However, once you get past this, you see the children, their smiles despite their circumstances, the hunger for some attention, the joy at receiving a small stuffed animal that they quickly clutch and hold onto like a lifeline. Prayers are offered on their behalf and their thankful hearts cause our hearts to want to give more. As hard as the hospital visitation is to experience sometimes, we eagerly look forward to sharing our time and ourselves for the simple reward of a smile.

Also, hundreds of pounds of food was sorted and bagged for distribution. Cherilynn and Cindi helped to organize and when the hospital volunteers returned, an assembly line was formed and all the food was bagged in one day! Way to go team! Everyone plays a vital role here in the success of our mission.

"As you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world". We are always having an effect on people, wherever we are being sent into this world and whatever is currently happening in our life. In Corinthians, Paul even confesses to his anxiety over plans not going as expected. Even then, he could still say he was being lead on a mission. Yesterday was a bit like that. All three work sites had very challenging accessibility issues. It is difficult to build a home when you have steep drop offs, chicken coops in the way that must be moved, rock walls that the house goes right up next too, etc. However, guess what? All 3 houses were built and completed. We are living the attitude that nothing can stop us because nothing can stop God"s work in our lives. Would it not be great today if when people ask us how we are today, we answer, even if it is just to ourselves, I am on a mission, because we are. We are on a mission to love God today with all our hearts, and let that love reflect in all we do. We are on a mission to look for opportunities to give a reason for the hope we have in Christ.

Today"s plans are for 3 more houses to be built, hospital visitation and a small group traveling to Monaloa to serve lunch to the school children. May you all be blessed today and remember we have all been sent; we are on a mission. Look for what God has for you.
(submitted by Suzanne)

Monday, June 23, 2008

From Austin

I´m writing this Monday morining.
Yesterday was an interesting day, we began by going to church in the Honduras village we have been building in. After that we had lunch in a resturant called La Cumbres. It was high up on the side of the mountain and you could see all of Tegucigalpa. The food was delicious ; we had chicken,steak,mashed potatoes, and vegetables as well as crepes for dessert. Aftewords we went to the Valley of Angels which is sort of a tourist village. I bought a few souvenirs there. After about an a hour an a half there we went to sing in a big Catholic Church. We finished off the day by having dinner in the mall. It´s back to work today and I still miss you guys but I`m doing fine.
From Tami Milner

Phil Simons- Your mom ROCKS! We love Melba!

Jennifer Crosby- Don't worry about a thing! Vince and CJ are taking care of your Dad and I hope they are making Wesley Chapel proud. We have completed 20 homes so far 2 VBS's, a hospital visit and have the food sorted. We have a great crew! Tell Cade if he wants some pointers in golf to ask CJ instead of PAPA!

Mom- How are things at home, that's a question but I can't find the question mark on this keyboard! We would love a message from Nic, Alex, and Alexa. We miss them so much and can't wait to see them Sunday. Tell Charles we would love to hear from him! I learned how to do a roof today on CJ and Casey's site and Austin was so helpful!

Kim-I am so glad you are keeping up with the blog. Vince is always so happy to get your messages. I just wanted to let you know that we plan on getting home early Sunday morning. We are hoping to pull in around 8 30 so we can make the 9 00 am service. I hope you can make it!

Whose Battle Is It?

Yesterday we were able to do everything outlined on the iteneray that Keith had planned. We went to Union for church and the growth of the congregation from last year was noticeable in the standing room only and people standing in the doorway! Praise God! Just as services were starting, the remaining 6 members from Northwest arrived safe and sound (finally) to worship with us in Union. It was a great service with Estaban preaching the sermon and Gabriel interpreting. Men from the local congregation and from our group offered prayers and served the communion. The singing was wonderful as we each sang to each other while holding hands. Truely reminds you that one day we will all be worhiping together in heaven someday and be able to understand each other.

We than went to La Cumbre for a delicious lunch and beautiful view from the top of the mountain. Afterwards, we sped thru the Valley of Angels with some people doing some major power shopping. The Valley of Angels is a local flea market with souvenirs which many of you will be seeing I'm sure! We than traveled to Santa Lucia and went inside the church in this town that was built in 1650 and sang songs for about 30 minutes before church services started. Beautiful. Our final and last stop was at the food court at the mall for dinner. Kids and adults alike loaded up on fast food and after many bus rides we ended our day at the hotel with a devotional. Another great day completed.

We have talked a lot in our devotionals about perseverence and team work. Two vital attitudes if we want to be successful in Honduras. We all are reminded that the battle is not ours, but the Lord's. We just need to remember that God will solve our problems and we need to let him solve it. When we are a child of God's, then our problems are his problems. And he is much better at fighting our battles and solving our problems than we will ever be. Our job is to trust him to work it all out. It doesn't all depend on us! We CAN relax in faith, trusting God to run things without our help. So we will continue our work here, resisting discouragement and fear, knowing that God does not lose battles. God has been so faithful to us. We are living his promises daily.

As we contine to build houses today, visit the hospital and begin to sort and bag food, we will count on God's promises and faithfulness.
(submitted by Suzanne)
From Gina

My Matt and Jillian,

I miss you and love you both!! Today we worshipped at Union and to praise God with our Honduran family was too amazing for words. The people here are golden and the children are truly jewels.
Jillian, I got to watch all of the children sing in their Sunday school class. I have taken plenty of pictures of the children to show you. They are so loving and precious, you would have many special friends here!
Matt, you are a treasure and I appreciate your encouragement so much! I have so much to share with you about this experience already. God is mighty and powerful and we praise Him for His gifts!

Many, many, many hugs and kisses to you both,
Gina and Mommy
From Brittany

Princess, I¨m sorry but i forgot to wish you a happy 1 year 4 mohnth and 1 day anniversary. I Love U

From Hayden

Hey Mom and Dad! We went to Lemoncillo today which was like 2 1/2 hours away, except on the way there our driver got lost so it ttok us almost 4 hours, but it was so well wsorth it. It was out in the country and it was absolutely beautiful! I´ll go into detail when I get home cuz it was incredibly beautiful there. We went to the Rodger Quarles Tech School, and did VBS at their church. I rode a horse! I took pictures for yall to see. My ankle is purple. Tomorrow (actually today, this got posted late) we´re going to La Cumbre and Valley of Angels. Mucho shopping. Love you guys a whole bunch! Can´t wait to see you in a week!

From Sammi Conley

Hey everybody! Mom can you tell beca to check the blog because alot of people wanted me to say hi to her... So if your reading this, hi Beca! I miss you and love you! I heard that song about 'you´re the inspiration' and I thought of you and how much fun we had last year! Well mom, caleb, keagan, ev, jenni... ok there are too many of you to name but whoever is reading this can´t wait to see you... Someone tell astrid I said hi and I miss my Billy! Love ya, Sammi

From Jan Matthews

Hello to my favorite children and grandchildren, Bryanna, Alyssa, Cade, Ciara, Zayden, Jasmine & Peanut. We are doing great, getting ready to go to church up on the mountain. I miss each of you very much. Papa does too. I´ll bring back pictures. Hope you all are doing well. Camp Rock rocks huh? girls, glad to hear you got your tickets. Cade, hope tigger is being good for you, thanks again for feeding and taking care of him. Trust things are going well. Be good and we´ll see you soon. Love each of you lots!!! Nana & Papa PS Big Kids give my little ones hugs for me. Zayden, I love you this much-----

From Ashley Keyso

Gabe, it was so good to talk to you the other day. Happy Anniversary to you!
I Love and miss you.

Dannette, Hey! Thanks so much for the message! You are awesome! I Can´t wait for you to come.

Kinsley, Nice to hear about your sunburn! TAke care of yourself silly!

Brittany Mountford, West Orange , You are awesome and you have no idea how much you are missed! Wish you were here with us so much! Love you

From Heather Stewart

Mom and Dad! Ahh! I love you and miss you tons! So turns out the spanish minor is coming in handy! Mom, Justina asked about you the other day and I told her you´d come next year. Today I got to see Fernando, one of my boys and we both cried so much to finally see each other. I wish ya´ll were here. Love ya!

Brittany Mountford West Orange Hey girl! That was a sweet message. Miss you much and hope you can come next year. Tell Pruitt I saw a wooden chair at valley today and thought of him and tell Mr. Robin I said si wee!

David Boyer, ¿que´ paso´your birhtday brother?

Northwest girlies, Amber, Kinsley, Lynn, Danette, Monica, Savanna, synthia, all my little honies I miss you!

From Heidi

Heather, my love, i hope you are safe and happy. I pray for your contentment every day. I will miss you so much... I hope I can see you soon! I´ve got some pictures of ýour girls´, lol. Going back to Limoncillo this year was amazing. I can´t believe how big they are getting, and their hearts even bigger! I love you , stay strong, and yours always!!

Tiffany Sanchez, we all miss you and love you! I´ve got some pictues of Chelsea and Georgia, (wow, you were right!)and Chelsea sends her hellos and ´te amos´, hehe

Mikey, I didn´t bring a camera (didnt have one to bring!) but if you did get the email then disregard it because i did get to see Freddy and the first thing he asked me about was you. Apparently he dropped out of school, I gave him the best lecture I could with my bad spanish. Anyways he says Hello!

Maria, Thank you for the sweet message. We miss you too and give you all of our love from Honduras! We are all working very hard! and having a blast! Love to all, Heidi

Sunday, June 22, 2008

From Kate

Mommy and Daddy, I went to a new village today and did a VBS. The kids were so cute and so polite. I loved it so much!! I'll show you pictures YAY! It was so good talking to you both on the phone! I miss you so much. Don't lounge too much without me. Love you both! PS Mom i knew that salsa girl wouldn't last long so i'm happy! HAPPY BIRTHAY DADDY! LOVE YOU!

What's up in Honduras?

Good Sunday morning to all,

What a productive and great day all the teams had yesterday. We continue to be blessed with sunshine so our construction work can continue without interruption. Two work crews were sent out yesterday to complete 2 houses in record time. Another blessing of good work sites (which typically means ground minus huge boulders and accesibility), good wood and weather. Combine that with workers that were ready to work and you have 2 more houses built for eagar families. The crew were challenged by Keith that if they finished their homes by 2:30 he would treat them to an ice cream sundae from McDonald's. Guess Keith found the secret to motivating the work crews because they both were finished in record time!

The rest of us travelled in our school bus to Limoncillo (please excuse my spelling)to conduct our second VBS and build a footer for a retaining wall to go in front of the Roger Quarles Technical School to keep the water out when it rains. Our trip took quite a bit longer going there because we were stopped by the police (driver had to show his license and they actually wanted a list of everyone on our bus; none of us can figure out why because they didn't stop us on the way back? Go figure. We decided that the guards were busy and it made them look important. After about a 20 minute delay, we were on the road again. Our bus driver did not know how to get there which resulted in another stop while Gabriel and driver got off and asked for directions. A couple of bathroom breaks and a gas stop, but alas we arrived. We will call the ride a sure test for those of us with motion sickness, but all did well and the scenic route finally ended with screams of joy from the children as we turned the last corner and came into view.

Gabriel was told to expect about 40 children and there was closer to 100 children. Children came from two different villages from miles away to attend the VBS and be seen at the medical clinic. About 15 of us worked on digging the trench for the footer. A bit of a challenge with the rocky ground and shortage of tools. We actually resorted to using our claw hammers in places to chip away the rock. Just when you thought you had completed the difficult part, we got to mix cement without the aid of a wheelbarrow. Previous trip members knew what was coming, but for us newbies, we found out that mixing concrete in a small hole in the ground was harder than the trench digging! I am sure that I am not the only one discovering new muscles that are sore! We had 4 hours to complete this task and it shows you that when a small group of people have a unified purpose, great things can be done. We finished our footer in 3 hours instead of 4! I am happy to report that the bus trip back was shorter than the morning ride. After a shower (varying degrees of water depending on where in the line you are), a meal of barbeque chicken and the kids and adults with any stamina left to go to Baxter to play soccer. A truely great day!

Today we are off to Union for church. We are waiting for our second group to arrive in about an hour. Wishing all of you a glorious Lord's Day.
(submitted by suzanne)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

From Mrs. Tonia
Kinsley, i am so proud of you and all the other kids for your bible reading!!! Thank you for the gentle reminder... it is not happening everyday... but thanks to you i will get back on track. We are on a very busy corner and the people here beep there horns CONSTANTLY!!!!! it is horrible, generally it quiets down between 11 and about 5 am, but when i get to my room i am lucky to have 10 minutes before i fall asleep.
i am going to try again and get back into my Bible. We are working very hard, and Dannette, i definitely see you building, but also getting very involved with VBS, these are such precious children you will love them as much as they will love you.
learn spanish!!!! Tell mom i miss her too!! Monica, your turn will be here before you know it~
DAVID, i got kicked out of the internet cafe last night... i know you know how long those Tony Roma dinner's can be!!! I ate some extra ribs just for you. Sorry i missed calling you, this has been quite a smooth trip so far, keep praying for the same. Don't get me wrong, you know we have had our challenges, but really the best trip!!! I was able to work with Casey and CJ today, your dad joined us, and we had our house done in 3 hours, as did Rick's crew. Not bad for a days work.
I know you are missing us as much as we miss having you here, right now all the kids and some of the adults went to BAXTER to play soccer. So there is some quiet time at the hotel. Everyone except our 2 groups went to limoncello today, the bus driver got a bit lost and the 2 hour trip took a bit more than that, but everyone came back, so glad that they got to experience that beautiful countryside.
MOM, hope you can have a relaxing weekend, tell daddy and the kids we all love and miss them and YOU!! Tonia
From Brittany

Mom and Dad, Today was a good day. We finished a home for an older women and her family. I helped build 3 of the four walls and I did the floor. I am getting good with the whole giant hammer thing! Love and miss you, Brat

Princess, I miss you! I´m glad I got to talk to you yesterday. I hope you know I miss you and love you vey much! And can´t wait to see you.
From LB

Hey mom, db, and everyone else.
Today(Saturday( was great, we had two work teams to go on the mountain and build two houses then the rest went to a place called Lemoncia. I built on the moutain and got on mr ricks team again yay. We had an amazing team and finished the house really fast.Roofing is pretty much my expertice.Glad I got to talk to yall lastnight! MIss you guys and blog you sometime again soon. Loove you!!!

p.s. please take care of my cat

Everyone from church, I miss yall so much and cant wait to give everyone hugs and show yall pictures when we get back.

Mikey, dont worry when we play soccer we will score lots of goals so we can talk next year lol.
To Adam,

Thank you so much for writing me a note. It just started my day out perfect. I sent a previous email to you and also told your Dad how to check the email. I guess you didn´t get that one. I have been sending a few emails to Alex´s email address - - password is his middle name with two r´s and two t´s. You probably already know this by now, but you are dressing out for Sunday´s game! Best of luck and let me know how you do. Have a great time at soccer camp. So glad you were able to have Drew over too. Miss you tons. All my love and heart.
Good Morning Friends,

Another glorius Lord´s Day has arrived in Tegus. We had such a successful day yesterday. The prayers continue to go up from all and the blessings come down, just like the VBS song. We have completed 15 houses so far - that´s 15 houses in 4 working days. Thank you God for using us in such a powerful way to provide 15 families with a home. We also saw about 200 people in our first medical clinic and dispensed medicine and vitamins. When our bus arrived at the church around 9:30, there was already a long line of people waiting for the clinic. The Hondurans are so thankful to receive Tylenol, vitamins and worm medicine and will wait hours to be able to speak with someone who can maybe help them. We feel so limited in what we can provide, but we do what we can.

Our first VBS was tremendously welcomed and received. To say it was successful is putting it mildly! The church was packed and we actually had to close the door! The children heard about Jesus while making sashes, T'shirts, crowns and flip-flops. So many smiles and laughter. For all that participated, it was food for the soul.

After a long day of hard work and effort, the group was rewareded with a trip to the mall. A good meal, shopping, and calls to home were a great way to finish the day. Even having to battle the traffic congestion to get there was worth it. Especially this morning for those of us who bought Cinnabon´s for breakfast! Whoops, I don´t think I am supposed to let you know that we actually have non-Honduran food from time to time. Let me tell you - another nice, sweet treat!

We closed out our night with a devotional given by Alex Holder on keeping our passion alive for Christ after we leave Honduras. Keith than spoke to us about resisting discouragement and not to get tired of doing what is good. There are many things that Satan will try to do to keep us from completing our mission. Paul tells us in Galations ¨So don´t get tired of doing what is good. Don´t get discouraged and give up...¨ When we are discouraged, we become ineffective. When we become self driven instead of Christ driven, we work against our faith. When we don´t get our way, we allow frustration and complaining to effect our mission. We know that nothing really worthwhile ever comes easy in life. We need to keep our mission in mind, and little by little our life becomes a masterpiece of God´s grace.

Blessings from Honduras,
(submitted by Suzanne)
From Tonia
Mom, it was good to talk to you and the kids tonight, i added a bunch of pictures, be sure to share them with the kids. Tell Alexa Aunt Tonia said i am trying to keep all the germie wormies off of me!!!but there are a lot of them here!!! Please give them big hugs and kisses from all of us!!!Nick, Alex, Dylan and all my other wonderful kids, i hope i have enough energy to come to Honduras when it is your turn! We could use your muscle. Dannette, Jessica, Makayla, and Marshall, next year will be awesome!!!! Savanna, everytime someone asks me how i am my response is good, good *and in my head i hear your voice saying good, good, my house is good!!!!thanks for that!!!! Mr. Dan, i hope the middle school kids are wonderful for you these next two weeks, please encourage them to read their chapters as we are all looking forward to the chocolate fountain!!! I miss all of you, love, Tonia

From Tami
Mom, thank you for helping Daddy leave us a message! I hope he can at least figure out how to look at the blog so he can see the messages and all the great pictures. We have a lot of new kids and adults this year and they are doing a great job! Tell Nic and Alex not to forget to memorize their memory verse. I think it's Luke 20 verse 25. Please let Charles know that I am sorry I didn't call tonight but Tonia was the last one in and then they closed! Love Tami

Jamie, wish you were here, our hair is a mess!haha We both miss and love you, mommy, daddy, allie, Mark and Renetta a lot!!! tb/tm

From Tonia

Chris was so excited to hear the news about unc, how about that gorgeous pic of him?and your sweet daughter feels really bad that she didn't get a chance to call tonight. She roofed 3 houses yesterday and today she was on a roofing team with Austin, yes LORI JOHNSON he is now part of the expert roofing team!!!!! *not everyone jumps off, so don't worry!!!
All kids are doing great, the attitudes are awesome and they are getting plenty of hugs from all the moms!!! We miss you and Tom.
love you! Tonia

Bulletin Sunday 061908

From Sam Conley
Hey everybody! We are having a great time! Frank said to tell you that everyting that Sam said is untrue. He says ¨Help! Somebody please come and get me!¨
Really, everything is going great. A few minor setbacks, but God is doing remarkable things. By the time you read this Sunday, we will have built 17 houses, done two VBS, two medical clinics and built a retaining wall at a vocational school in La Macinas. Sammi is getting around well on her sprained ankle, no crutches since we arrived. Tell everyone hello and keep us in your prayers. And say ¨Amen¨ for Ivory Seright. See you next Sunday!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Northwest Family

Just wanted you to know we love and appreciate all of you, your support and especially your prayers.
God is working wonders through us, and it is because of you that we are here, able to accomplish so much.
With much love, your Tampa Youth Missions Team 2008
From Angela
Hi my sweet Olivia. Alice things are going great we are getting a lot accomplished. TT has finished 3 housesand gave lots of childrens hugs. I miss you, can't wait to give you a big hug!! I am ver proud of you for wearing your big girl panties!! See you when I get back!! TT

From Ana and Rob
Hello grandma, pop, gram and papa! We are having a blast down here! We've built 12 houses as a group so far. We're only a little tired but God is giving us the strength to get through! Thank you fro all your love, support and prayers! We love you!

From Ana
Hey Momma! So, the wedding plans aren't going to happen right now, I'm too busy with building houses and VBS! These crazy people..... Anyway, I'm putting in 2 days with VBS then I'm back to building! I miss you! I'm glad you got Eli back tonight so you won't be so lonely! I love you!

From Carrie Randolph
Hi mom I am having a blast. Guess what, I am already sunburned, and I have learned how to hammer on floors and walls. I miss you and Faith. Tell everyone that I miss them and give them big hugs 4 me. Love Carrie

Hi Grandma, I miss you and pop so much, but I am having a great time building houses. Give everyone at church my love and tell them that I miss them too.
Love Carrie

From Tami Milner

Charles, You would have been a great addition to Team M & M! We are working hard but also having a great time and meeting wonderful new friends. Don't forget to change the lights in my closet! I love you, Tami

Lori, Austin was back on the roof again yesterday! He must not have gotten your message. He was on Casey and CJ's team and they said he did a great job, he is having a great time!

Kim, Yes, Vince was on a team with me the first 2 days. We worked on CJ and Casey's team and then we were all split up. Vince moved to Rick's team. You know Rick, he is our song leader at church. Rick's wife Cindy told me that Vince was an awesome worker and was Rick's right hand man. He is doing great but I wouldn't expect anything less from him. He is doing amazing things here in Honduras.

Mom, Have you talked to Mark? Let him know we are all doing fine. I know it must be quiet with all of us away. Give Nic, Alex and Alexa Lu a big hug and kiss from me. The VBS team is getting ready to go up on the mountain so we had some time to post pictures and comments. I hope you like the pics! Did you see Vince and Abbey's hammers? We are all going to decorate our hammers next year. We miss you, but will be back before you know it! Love Tami

Faye, John is working so hard. I just want you to know how much we appreciate you supporting his work here. You both work so hard all year long with all of the fundraisers to support this mission trip. We truly appreciate you! Give all the little ones at church a hug for me. I miss them all! Love Tami

From Nicole Garcia
hola familia! I miss you guys a ton! Heather, it's weird not seeing you here in Honduras! It is also kinda depressing to know I won't see you when I come back. Just letting yor know I miss you a ton! Gabe, its almost Saturday and I know your gonna miss me terribly and cry your eyes out but don't worry I'm fine and been chilling with Novia the whole trip. Irene and Michael I miss you too! Love Nicole

From Krystal Hill
hi mom, your last message was a little confusing but ok. We are working on a VBS. i really miss you guys and you have no idea how much. how is daddy, are you ok.
i love you, sissy!

TO Cherilynne!! YES love, tonia

From Hayden Manuel
hey mom and dad, we stayed back today thursday, and sorted vitamins. my ankle is doing ok, i have a cankle, haha. Tomorrow, today, i am doing vbs so i will be able to rest it a little bit. Mall friday night yeah!!! expect acall from me. love ya'll mucho, crip

From Laura Beth
hey family, everything is going great. these past work days have been amazing!!! i have roofed 3 or 4 houses, and been on mr. ricks team a lot. miss you guys, i will talk to you friday night. love you, thanks for blogging.
From Suzanne to the Holder Clan,

What a rewarding trip Honduras continues to be for all of us. Since I have been writing the morning blog note, you can probably tell from my thoughts how much this work means to me and how I am daily blessed by being here. I think of you all and wish you could experience this first hand. Hopefully from everyone's comments you can get a glimmer of the impact this trip has on us all. Jim and Jan, thank you so very much for taking care of my sweet Adam. You make this trip possible for me and I am so blessed to have you in my life. Adam, I imagine your days are being filled with soccer and relaxing. I hope you are having fun with grandma and grandpa and maybe getting together with your friends. I think of you and love you all.

Contentment from Honduras

Good morning all,

We have now completed 3 complete work days of construction and have completed almost 12 houses. I say almost 12 houses because 2 only lack the tin roof which we didn't have yesterday to be able to finish the houses. The group that stayed back at the hotel yesterday were able to organize the VBS materials and sort vitamins and medicines for the medical clinic and first VBS today. We returned at the end of our day and recharged with showers and a great meal of baked chicken and rice and the every present plaintains. For those of us that love plaintains - that's a good thing. We had great singing on the roof top of our hotel where we have our morning and evening devotionals. Daryl from Winter Haven spoke at our evening devo about contentment. Just as Paul in Phillipians spoke about being content in Christ, we too are reminded about contentment when we come here to Honduras. The Honduran people lack so many of the simple pleasures that we take for granted. When we get ready today, we will be using indoor plumbing, putting on clean clothes that were washed in a washing machine instead of a stream, driving to complete our errands or to work instead of walking, eating food readily accessible in our refrigerator or located at the convenience store just down the street and sleeping on a comfortable mattress compared to a thin sheet on the ground. Simple things. Sometimes we have to be reminded or relearn to be content whatever the circumstances. Honduras does that for you. It reminds us of the secret of being content in any and every situation. We can do everything through him who gives us strength.
(submitted by Suzanne)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

new pictures

nicole, hayden, greg and Ashley have all contributed to the recent addition of pictures!

Picture issues

Note from Tonia
We cannot figure out why the pictures are coming through so small, and then the one of buster comes out normal! All pictures on the same computer from the same camera and attached the same way. The one of Vince and Abby was a test, trying something different and you see how that came out!! in his spare time, not that he has any, Gabriel has tried to figure it out. he has downloaded a program so we may try that later. Right now, not a lot of time to get these pictures attached. Each one takes 15 minutes to load. Sorry!!!!

Everyone is good, even those with bumps, bruises, black and blue thumbs, sprains, etc!!!! Nighttime devotionals have been awesome, singing led by Alex and a lot of input from kids and adults.

love to everyone!!!
From Katrina Cain
Dylan, i miss you very much! Then i touch the beautiful heart with the cross necklace you gave me to think of you, and i feel like you are with me. your thoughtful idea really works *and impressed the other moms!!!! Thank you so much for being my precious son!! Remember your prayers for us all. Have fun with emilee and dad. love, mom and mason

Mark, our team finished our first home yesterday! What a belssing to have the priviledge to help these great families. You can see the grateful looks in their eyes and smiles. The children are just precious. I miss you and hope you are managing everything without Mason and I. Mason sends his love and misses you very much. You would be so proud of him! he''s a great worker and loves the people. Especially the kids. Much love, Katrina and Mason

To Gina Betz, i can't wait until you are here to share this experience! you will just love it! have a safe trip, see you soon. love katrina
From Brittany Williams
mom and dad, today *wed was exciting to say the least. we finished our first house and upon reaching the second we stumbled upon a HUGE boulder that took two hours to remove! but we did it and tomorrow we start constructing the house. i love and miss you, brat

Princess, well today was a little better than yesterday but i need a hug! *i guess ours aren't enough!!today these five year old came and took what braclets i had left, it was funny. love and miss you.

From PJ Sanon
I am ok, surprisingly! i miss talking to you, but its for the best. Working hasn't been the easiest but it still has to be done. i will call friday. i love you.

From Angela Garcia
hi tiffany, i miss you, everything is going really great. i spiked my first nail in a roof, yeah!!! Can't wait to see you, wish you were here!

From Krystal Hill
haha my room is cursed! Hayden has a sprained ankle, and last night the power went out for a minute and Catie cut her toe, only Kate and i are left! lol I finished my first house yesteday, took a lot of pictures. i helped with 2 walls and the floor. We started a house yesterday for a family of 15 and are almost done. i love you guys!
p.s. i do miss my little brother!!
To Adam,

Hope all is well with you. I know you are busy practicing soccer. You will be in such good shape when you come to work here. Give my love to grandma and grandpa.

Kathryn and John,

Just wanted to let you know that Greg is going great! He is such a hard working young man and really has been a huge help from day one. He has had some very challenging sites from the get-go, but there is no slowing him down. So far, no stomach issues -yeah. He is really doing well. You would be so proud of his work here. Much love,

Just Another Day At Work

What a wonderful and productive day we had yesterday! All five work crews set out again with the goal to catch up from the delays we experienced on the first day. All teams were able to finish their first homes and say a prayer with the families. Such a rewarding part of the construction process when we are able to see the difference this small structure will make in their lives! Throughout the entire building process the family will eagerly look on and when you are finally ready to turn the house over, there are tears of joy and gratitude in their eyes and of course ours too. Like the commercial says - it´s priceless.

All the crews were moved to another site when they finished their first one and began a second house. They are in various stages of completion and will be finished today with hopefully more houses. We also will be having a group of people stay back at the hotel and unpack/sort all the vacation bible school materials and begin sorting through the medicines. Our first VBS will be tomorrow so there is a lot of organization needed to get ready for a successful VBS.

As I write the morning blogs each day, trying to summarize the previous days events, you begin to notice a repetitve theme to our daily work. It is easy to see while you are in Honduras what our mission is and who is our mission field. However, our mission is more than building a house, dispensing medicine or food. Our mission is to be a witness for Christ. By the tasks we are doing, hopefully the Honduran people will see by our love and hope in Christ, they too will come to know the love of Christ. All of us have a mission field wherever we are and wherever we work. We pray that God will bless our work today and give us the strength to accomplish our mission today.
(submited by Suzanne)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Mom and Dad,
Today was better. Our building site had problems, but worked out. It rained really BAD, but I am alright.
Love and Miss You,

Well I still miss you! Hehe. I used my "not gettign to talk to you anger" to be the fastest hammerer in my team today. I was truly a beast. I'm not supposed to write much I miss you UBER lot and love you more than that. Your Beast

FROM P.J. Sanon

I love you and miss you very much. Today was eventful, lots of things went wrong on our team, but we ended up getting pretty far before the rain. Well write more tomorrow.
Love, P.J.

From Krystal Hill

Hi Mom and Dad and Zach,
Omgsh we went to the mountains today and built 5 houses. I kinda got a little sun burned and its so sad the way people have to live. I'm a little homesick. But I'll live. Well while we were in the mountains its started to storm BAD and all the streets were flooding. I got a lot of pictures. Well I love you and miss you guys sooo much.

Krystal aka Sissy

From Ashley Keyso

Gabe, Today was so much fun! I am so glad to be here and I can't wait to tell you about everything . I hope everything is going great at home and that you're staying busy! *(hopefully with the wii fit!( I love you and miss you mucho! te amo!

From Kate Evans

Madre y Padre! We went to our first work site today and we did so good! I hammered so much better this year. We almost finished but it started pouring. Too bad I didn't bring the poncho whoops. I love you and miss you.

From Hayden Manuel

Hey Mom and Dad! It rained today! Blehhh! We were almost finished too, all we had to do was put the tin roof on! Our crew was awesome! Hope all is good back on the farm! Keep writing, it makes me happy! Love you guys and miss you already!
What was on my report card
Love, Hayden

From Tami Milner

Mom, hope you are having a blast with the kids. Please share the blog with Nic, Alex and Alexa and let them know how much we miss them.

Kim, You would be so proud of Vince, I am so glad he came this year. He is having a great time and working so hard, and then it rained and C.J. spiked his hair. We had the camera crew on our site today (Tonia( so hopefully we will bring home good pictures.

I will try to call you on Friday night so please answer your phone if you do not recognize the number. I miss you already.
Love, Tammi
P.S. Julie offered to feed you.

From Eddie Randolph

Bill, I am having a great time (at this point we were suppose to do a smiley face, however the keyboard is VERY unusal and we can not do it, sorry we know it is such a masculine thing to request( Wish you were here!

From Kate Evans
Hey Parentals, We finished a house today and started another one! Yay! I'm already so exhausted and doing hard work! Love you and miss you.

From Hayden Manuel
Hola! I got on the roof today and did the whole thing with Ana and Ben, then we had to jump off when we finished and when I jumped I landed in a hole and screwed up my ankle. It's swollen and it hurts real bad. I can walk but it hurts. It's probably sprained. But I'm fine! ! So don't worry.
Love yall so much!
Love, Hayden
Jan and Butch, Hayden seems much better and is walking on her ankle. I promise we will take good care of her. Cindy B

From Catie and Cindy Bonk

Hola Family,
Christy how is everyone and how is the Beast and The Beast oops! I guess we spelled that wrong, NOT!!!!!!
We are having a great time, working SUPER SUPER hard, but loving it all!
How are the babies, Does Michael still need his MiMi. I hope you all are getting well.
Carrie I was so tired when I emailed you back I signed Love Cindy and not Mom of well that is what a day of construction can do to you.
Give our babies, ie. dogs hugs and kisses.
Tell Mom, Dad, and Kenny and Carla hi for us.
Carrie we have pictures of Fernando for you.
Love, Mom and Catie

From Ana Randolph
Hi Momma, I told you Gavin was precious. I met a great guy in Honduras, Dad loves him and we think we will get married before the next Mission Trip. Laura Beth is going to be my maid of Honor and Rob the best man. Catie is the flower girl and we are having the wedding on the mountain in Union, next to a construction site! LOL note by Cindy and Tami, we are TIRED!!!!!

Ok this is REALLY from Ana
Anyway, told you Gavin was precious- give him kisses from me! Hope you are enjoying your quiet house. This trip has been great so far- we've almost finished 2 houses and I've done 2 roofs! I love you and I'll see you next week!

From Tonia

hey mom, and jamie, it was good to hear from you. nick and alex i hope you had a great time at MOSI today. i really want to take you guys soon. I hope camp is going good, we are working so hard!!! me and aunt tami have been on team M and M, we were named that because we are all moms and muscles. ok heidi has muscles and is not a mom, but the rest of us were. Suzanne, Katrina, Dylan's mom, Angela, me, aunt tami, the muscles were Rob, heidi, cj, casey, and buster, from bradenton. i hope i didn't leave anyone out!!! Anyway it was a lot of hard work, we had to finish the house we started yesterday and then went to a new site. Both families have 2 children and are so thankful for the new house we built. Tell alexa i really miss singing with her in the morning... ba ba ba baba!!!! And all the other favorites she has. i need to go shower.... much love to everyone!!! DAVID, we really miss you!!!!

Ashley and Alyssa send hugs and kisses too!

note from Tonia

hey mom, how come we have not heard from you? We are crazy busy but things are going well. Tami can check her email if you want to send her any updates. hope the washing machine issue has been worked out!!! love and miss you. Please give the kids hugs and kisses for me. Tonia

Rocky Soil, but no Rocky Christians

Good Morning from Honduras!

After a good night´s sleep we are all ready to tackle the mountain once again today! We have agressive plans today to get back on schedule that the rain, lack of chain saws, and wood created yesterday. Can you spell perserverence? We all can after yesterday. What a lesson in keeping a positive attitude and pushing on with all sorts of obstacles in our way. We all have come to expect the rocky ground that makes digging post holes sooooo challenging. Even the occasional shortage of wood or chain saw breaking down and needing repair. No building crews had chain saws yesterday when they started. We knew that Keith was scurrying around to try and purchase some for us while we all got started. Most of us realized early on that it was difficult to proceed in the normal way we build a house without a chain saw, so very creative crew leaders problem solved and figured out ways to keep going until we did get a chain saw. John Marincin´s team had the added challenge of getting a work site that was quite isolated (off the beaten path does not begin to describe it!) Once they arrived at their site they had to wait 2 hours for their wood to be delivered and due to the rocky terrain the wood had to be hauled a half a mile from the drop off point to their work site. Many tired bodies at the end of the day, but the most amazing stories of perserverance emerged during our devo last night. This group of teenagers and adults all expressed how difficult a day it was, but in the same breath had nothing but love, encouragment, thankfulness and appreciation for each other. What a team effort and what an example to all that when we all pull together we can do so much for God´s Kingdom! Every team had their obstacles, but they all kept on keeping on and did not get discouraged when they were not able to complete their homes last night. We await the new day with high hopes of completing these homes and starting others. We may have rocky soil here, but there are no rocky Christians! Blessings to all of you!
(submitted by Suzanne)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

WE won't let a little rain stop us!

While waiting my turn for a warm shower i will publish what was written by the kids this morning. We came off the mountain a little early due to some heavy rain. As much as we wanted to get our 5 houses done today, we really didn't want to get stuck there!! Tonia

From Brittany W
mom and dad, Wow! what a good nights sleep can do, i feel a little better, still miss you though. We are building today so i am looking forward to that. i love you all, BRAT
Susan, Britt just stopped by on her way to the shower and she had a good day. Some of her teammates told me she was great building and so good with the kids. Tonia

From PJ
Mom, leah, cati,
well still alive just so you know. but because of you everyone is attacking me about writing on the blog. i hope you are happy now lol, but its fun here and i wish you could see it too. I love you all with every fiber i am. I'll try to call friday if money permits. i love you.

From Casey Boyer
David, hey you missed a fun 21 hours of traveling yesterday. Hope you have fun at your desk job while i am out changing the world!!! love your younger brother. p.s. Happy Birthday!

From Heather Stewart
David, hey dud, hopy you miss me, hehe. well, it is really weird without you here and i know you wish you were. we miss you and i hope you have a happy birthday. love your little sister.

hey mamma and dadday! what's up, i miss you and wish you were here with us. Traveling was really tiring. we're doing well and chris and i are having a blast. i talked to milton and elvin a lot yesterday and they said my spanish is much better. dad, luis asked where you were and i told him why and you'd be back next year and he said good. love you much!

From Hayden
good morning, we are on the terrace and heading out soon i am so excited to work. have fun today with whatever you are doing. hope the trailer wasn't too gross for you guys. hehe love yall sooo much. you boo bear.

hi jenn, love you boo.

From Bob and Jan Matthews
hey grandkids, we are working hard and doing well. miss you all!!!
papa and nana

From Kate Evans
hey mom and dad, give pepper some sugar for meand remind him i'll be home. don't worry mom, after your blog i went to my room and did crunches just for you. love and miss you both.

From Austin Johnson
Still alive... tired but i'm ready to build some houses. so far i've learned that hondurans like razor wire and drive rather agressively. i miss all of you including zelda but i am doing fine so don't worry about me.
LORI, he had a good first day on the mountain, john marincin and Gabe were his crew leaders. Tonia

From Angela Garcia
hello olivia, tt loves you and misses you. have fun with gamma and tara. See you soon. alice and chip i miss you too.

hi becca,
i miss you so much. can't wait until sept. Tell richard i miss him too! love you both.

hi heather,\i miss you more than i can explain. a part of our family is missing!!! i love you. please be strong.

From Sammi Conley
hey everyone, we are on our way to go build our first houses this year. still on the crutches but i'm doing alreat. caleb, give brittani and astrid and everyone the address for this blog so they can write me.

From Tonia
Hey shirley, i hope all is well at the office!! Don't let bill work you too hard. hi to payne!!

David, mom and the rest of my vast family!!! i miss you guys so much, David, you are really missed on this most special 21st birthday. you are a joy and i love you so much... pretty sure dad feels the same!!! He is out working on some things.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Birthday David Boyer from Tonia and the rest of the Gang!

Greetings from Honduras! What a travel day it was! Our bus trip was uneventful to Miami and the check in with TACA was one of the smoothest ever. We landed in San Salvador and had about an hour wait until we boarded our flight to San Pedro Sulu. Another uneventful flight (which is a much prayed for thing) and smooth landing. It´s always a little frantic retrieving our bags and supplies, but alas, we boarded our buses and began the last leg of our trip to Tegus. After almost 20 hours of traveling, we arrived at the Hotel Granada.

This is our first morning of work and we are eager to start. We have already begun with some challenges but God has already provided us with solutions. None of our chain saws made it through to us (only the empty duffle bags). Keith is working on getting new chain saws today and the work begins!

We will try to update frequently and enjoy the postings that you have already sent our way. Many blessings from our hearts to yours,
(submitted by Suzanne)

Buses, planes, planes, buses!!!!!

ok it is now 11:30 monday night and i had a paragraph typed when the power went out in the hotel!!! you will get all that info another time. i guess everyone turning on lights and showering at the same time was too much for this hotel.
here are the comments you really want anyway!

From Alex Holder
Hey Dad, Adam, grandma and grand G, it has been a good trip so far, the traveling was ling but it was well worth it. Adam, don't drive grandma and grandpa crazy.

From Abby Williams
hola Faja! hope you are having fun. i will talk to you soon. love your favorite daughter. hi amber i told you i would write you, i love you dear and miss you terribly.

From Kate Evans
mommy and daddy, hi i miss you both so mucha. we are having so much fun already and i am going to have so many stories when i get home. i love you.

From Laura Beth
Family, hey everythings been going great so far. Felt like forever traveling though. went and got groceries tonight. I am exhausted. talk to you soon. love you and miss you. i think we are going to the mall on friday night, so i might get to call. madre/ love you/missyou mostest. we start building tomorrow. yay!!!

From PJ
Dear mom, leah and catie, i miss you all so much. it is hard leaving you all for 2 weeks but the work we do is worth the seperation. i am thinking about you all the time and can't wait to see you. love you

From Krystal Hill
hi mom, dad, zach, jack and the others. it's like one o'clock your time and we are just getting back from shopping and its devo time. i love you and miss you so much.

From Katrina Cain
Hi Dylan, Mark and Emilee, wea arived safe and are ready for a busy day tomorrow.
I love you soooo much. Mom

From Hayden
Momma and daddy, we made it and i didn't get sick on the way with all the driving. oh and i forgot to tell you my bag weighed exactly 50 pounds. hopefully your starting on my room. mom, i am trusting you to make it look fabulous. daddy, please give jake kissses for me, i will blog tomorrow. love you all so much.

From Ashley
Gabe we made it. i hope that everything at home is good. i love and miss you!!!!

From Brittany W
Mommy and daddy, lets see, daddy first, well we made it. it only took 2 bus and 2 plane rides but we are here. everyone seems to be having so much fun, but i am a little homesick. Miss Tonia says tomorrow is going to be a better day. lets hope so. i love you daddy!
Mommi, as much as i want to, i won't get a chance to call until FRIDAY. PJ is helping he is feeling some of the same as i do. We both miss our oms, but we also miss our significant others. So mommi, i beg you, please call my princess and say exactly this. Franklin, i am so sorry my phone has full service but when i dial it ends the call. *note from tonia> no phones allowed!!!! mommi can you give him the blog website. love and miss you. BRAT

Note from Tonia!
Hi family and friends, it has been an exhausting day and a half, i miss you all!!! Will work hard on the mountain tomorrow. mom, please give nick, alex and alexa hugs and kisses for me. hope today went well. love you all.