Monday, June 23, 2008

From Brittany

Princess, I¨m sorry but i forgot to wish you a happy 1 year 4 mohnth and 1 day anniversary. I Love U

From Hayden

Hey Mom and Dad! We went to Lemoncillo today which was like 2 1/2 hours away, except on the way there our driver got lost so it ttok us almost 4 hours, but it was so well wsorth it. It was out in the country and it was absolutely beautiful! I´ll go into detail when I get home cuz it was incredibly beautiful there. We went to the Rodger Quarles Tech School, and did VBS at their church. I rode a horse! I took pictures for yall to see. My ankle is purple. Tomorrow (actually today, this got posted late) we´re going to La Cumbre and Valley of Angels. Mucho shopping. Love you guys a whole bunch! Can´t wait to see you in a week!

From Sammi Conley

Hey everybody! Mom can you tell beca to check the blog because alot of people wanted me to say hi to her... So if your reading this, hi Beca! I miss you and love you! I heard that song about 'you´re the inspiration' and I thought of you and how much fun we had last year! Well mom, caleb, keagan, ev, jenni... ok there are too many of you to name but whoever is reading this can´t wait to see you... Someone tell astrid I said hi and I miss my Billy! Love ya, Sammi

From Jan Matthews

Hello to my favorite children and grandchildren, Bryanna, Alyssa, Cade, Ciara, Zayden, Jasmine & Peanut. We are doing great, getting ready to go to church up on the mountain. I miss each of you very much. Papa does too. I´ll bring back pictures. Hope you all are doing well. Camp Rock rocks huh? girls, glad to hear you got your tickets. Cade, hope tigger is being good for you, thanks again for feeding and taking care of him. Trust things are going well. Be good and we´ll see you soon. Love each of you lots!!! Nana & Papa PS Big Kids give my little ones hugs for me. Zayden, I love you this much-----

From Ashley Keyso

Gabe, it was so good to talk to you the other day. Happy Anniversary to you!
I Love and miss you.

Dannette, Hey! Thanks so much for the message! You are awesome! I Can´t wait for you to come.

Kinsley, Nice to hear about your sunburn! TAke care of yourself silly!

Brittany Mountford, West Orange , You are awesome and you have no idea how much you are missed! Wish you were here with us so much! Love you

From Heather Stewart

Mom and Dad! Ahh! I love you and miss you tons! So turns out the spanish minor is coming in handy! Mom, Justina asked about you the other day and I told her you´d come next year. Today I got to see Fernando, one of my boys and we both cried so much to finally see each other. I wish ya´ll were here. Love ya!

Brittany Mountford West Orange Hey girl! That was a sweet message. Miss you much and hope you can come next year. Tell Pruitt I saw a wooden chair at valley today and thought of him and tell Mr. Robin I said si wee!

David Boyer, ¿que´ paso´your birhtday brother?

Northwest girlies, Amber, Kinsley, Lynn, Danette, Monica, Savanna, synthia, all my little honies I miss you!

From Heidi

Heather, my love, i hope you are safe and happy. I pray for your contentment every day. I will miss you so much... I hope I can see you soon! I´ve got some pictures of ýour girls´, lol. Going back to Limoncillo this year was amazing. I can´t believe how big they are getting, and their hearts even bigger! I love you , stay strong, and yours always!!

Tiffany Sanchez, we all miss you and love you! I´ve got some pictues of Chelsea and Georgia, (wow, you were right!)and Chelsea sends her hellos and ´te amos´, hehe

Mikey, I didn´t bring a camera (didnt have one to bring!) but if you did get the email then disregard it because i did get to see Freddy and the first thing he asked me about was you. Apparently he dropped out of school, I gave him the best lecture I could with my bad spanish. Anyways he says Hello!

Maria, Thank you for the sweet message. We miss you too and give you all of our love from Honduras! We are all working very hard! and having a blast! Love to all, Heidi


Anonymous said...

sammi conley we are very proud of you keep up the hard work. Bro. Ivory did a great job yesterday preaching. On a real sad note pray for Bessie Hall she fell and broke her arm severly. It was a compound fracture and very painful, she also hurt her knee.
Jenni will be here tomorrow. I have been helping with the wedding stuff. Keagan ask where is Sammi everyday. I love you, love mom (Neva)

Unknown said...

Hayden, just got your message, so good to have a blog! Daddy is putting the 2nd coat on your bathroom & closet today, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to start putting it back together again-wow thats alot of work. Your purple foot reminds me I need to call Dr for appointment!Did Ms. Jan look at it? How does it feel?
Miss my hugs soooo much!!
Enjoy those sweet children, ya'll are doing such wonderful work, praise God. I know Gina brought lots of sunshine when she arrived, give our love to all.. miss you,love & dad

Tiffany Sanchez said...

Hi Heidi,

I loved getting your message...I can see that you're having a great trip... can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. I'm glad to hear that the trip to Limoncillo was such a great success...the kids are getting so big, that it makes me feel old sometimes. Its funny what you said about Georgia...I've never seen such a high-strung, temperamental child and she's only 3, she's so funny...while Chelsea is so mellow...Please say hi to your parents and Nicole for me...I miss you all very much! See you Sunday!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

hey there babi princess. same to you! i miss you very very much and i love you very much too! i hope your havign a good time and im looking forward to hopefully seeing you sometime on sunday when you get back. i sure miss you. well babi have a good nite. u will be in my thoughts as always i love you and miss you sweetpea