Monday, June 23, 2008

From Tami Milner

Phil Simons- Your mom ROCKS! We love Melba!

Jennifer Crosby- Don't worry about a thing! Vince and CJ are taking care of your Dad and I hope they are making Wesley Chapel proud. We have completed 20 homes so far 2 VBS's, a hospital visit and have the food sorted. We have a great crew! Tell Cade if he wants some pointers in golf to ask CJ instead of PAPA!

Mom- How are things at home, that's a question but I can't find the question mark on this keyboard! We would love a message from Nic, Alex, and Alexa. We miss them so much and can't wait to see them Sunday. Tell Charles we would love to hear from him! I learned how to do a roof today on CJ and Casey's site and Austin was so helpful!

Kim-I am so glad you are keeping up with the blog. Vince is always so happy to get your messages. I just wanted to let you know that we plan on getting home early Sunday morning. We are hoping to pull in around 8 30 so we can make the 9 00 am service. I hope you can make it!


Toni said...

Hi Tami and Tonia,
Everything is fine here ... been very busy, Tonia I'm sure you know that. The kids have been real good, need a lot of reminding to go to bed, but get up pretty easy. Took the kids to the mall, the boys wanted to buy caps - they had birthday and graduation money - Alex doesn't like to part with his money, but he sprung for a hat and Nick got a hat and a sweat shirt - yes I know it's summer. Alexa is being adorable and funny as usual. They all try to sleep with me at night (and they do) and Nick is the only one that stays in his bed. The boys said Dylan wasn't in Kids Kingdom last Sunday (to answer your question Tami) I'll call Charles again - just been too busy for anymore phone calls, but did talk to him yesterday. He is reading the blog everyday. So, you can talk direct to him. How is Bob? I hope he is listening and not lifting heavy stuff. I'm sure it's hard not to, but we want him to listen to Dr.'s orders. I'll get the kids to write tomorrow. They just seem to run out of time. Well, love to everybody ... we miss you and are so proud of you! By the way, Alex got camper of the day at the Y and the girls told me both the boys are so well behaved. Love, Mom xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Tami- thanks for keeping in touch, We really want to be there to greet you all Sunday a.m. but will be in Ocala Saturday and not sure if we can get back that early (and we'll have the dog too!) but we would like to show our support in all your efforts...what a great bunch of people you are. Tell Vince I really really like his beard. Can't wait to see him. If we get tied up in traffic getting back to Tampa from Ocala please be sure to let him know we hope to see him later in the day. I will continue to read all the updates the rest of this week, so keep letting us know what's happening there. It's only Tuesday right- you all do soooo much in one day I get tired just reading about it. Vince looks great- guess the rock moving, mountain climbing and house building have been good to him. Aaron points out his muscles in each picture and is sure to point out they are bigger. He also says everyone is smiling all the time- you all are having a great time and it shows! Better stop for now - love to you all- Ms. Kim & Mom !

Toni said...

Hi Aunt Tami and Aunt Tonia,
I went swimming yesterday. (Alexa)
We miss you guys and hope you come home safely. (Nick) I miss you very much, hope you get to church early. (Alex)
Nick, Alex, and Alexa xoxoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Tami! I'm so proud of you!!! Keep up the amazing work!!! I can't wait to see pictures when you get back! Tell CJ and Vince to keep pumping out the houses! What a great opportunity for them!
I miss your smiling face!