Thursday, June 19, 2008

From Brittany Williams
mom and dad, today *wed was exciting to say the least. we finished our first house and upon reaching the second we stumbled upon a HUGE boulder that took two hours to remove! but we did it and tomorrow we start constructing the house. i love and miss you, brat

Princess, well today was a little better than yesterday but i need a hug! *i guess ours aren't enough!!today these five year old came and took what braclets i had left, it was funny. love and miss you.

From PJ Sanon
I am ok, surprisingly! i miss talking to you, but its for the best. Working hasn't been the easiest but it still has to be done. i will call friday. i love you.

From Angela Garcia
hi tiffany, i miss you, everything is going really great. i spiked my first nail in a roof, yeah!!! Can't wait to see you, wish you were here!

From Krystal Hill
haha my room is cursed! Hayden has a sprained ankle, and last night the power went out for a minute and Catie cut her toe, only Kate and i are left! lol I finished my first house yesteday, took a lot of pictures. i helped with 2 walls and the floor. We started a house yesterday for a family of 15 and are almost done. i love you guys!
p.s. i do miss my little brother!!


jlhii68 said...

well ok it savy i am not we love ya lots miss ya be good. not sure if first one worked so bye

Anonymous said...

hey there babi princess..... i need a hug too. maybe i can make it over to your house for a few to give you the things im making you and get that hug we both need after work the sunday you get back. im glad to hear your feeling better tho. ive been worried about you. i miss you tons! well if you get a chance i would love to hear from you. try and be careful with your house buildings and whatever you do. ill check back manana i love you babi