Monday, June 25, 2007

Notes from Monday

From Rob Randolph:
Hey dad, i am doing good down here. I haven't gotten sick yet, so hopefully i won't be!. I have been on both construction teams and on a digging team (where he is today-tb) I'll tell you abouth that later. We should go to the mall again some time this week, i will try to call again. Tell Eli that i love him and he needs to stop having so much fun or else he will hurt himself. I love you daddy!

Zach, Hey there buddy! I really miss seeing you every Sun-Wed. Ask your parents if you can stay and wait for us at church on Sunday night so i can see you. Stay of out of trouble bud, and i will see you soon. love, Rob

From Ashley Keyso:
Everything is great here, but i have to admit i miss everyone at home too! GABE: I love you!!! I wish you were here and i know i tell you this a lot, you would be so perfect! Nita: Take care of my boyfriend, love you girl. and to all of my girls: bug Gabe a little extra for me. love Ashley

From Nicole Garcia:
Irene and GabrielÑ hi i love and miss you guys tons! i built houses and didn't get hurt. I did VBS and hurt my wrist just though i would let you know. love ya

Ashley and Michelle: Miss ya, tell everyone i said hi, michelle, stop talking about JB! love yas

From Stephanie Howell:
Cherilynne, How are you? Everything is great here, i wish you were here. How is Rasta doing? I heard he would not get off your couch. Sorry about that. WE are getting ready to head out now. Talk to you later.
love you.

From Tonia Boyer:
To my wonderful family-i miss you all so much!! It is crazy busy here most of the time- yesterday instead of going to Valley of Angels after church and lunch me and a few others who did not want to spend the 45 minute one way, winding road mountain ride to buy junk- i mean souvenirs for our loved ones- that would be you guys.... sorry!!! Came back to the hotel to relax, as much as you can living on the busiest corner, by that i mean noisiest!!! but still Suzanne and i and some others managed about an hour nap. So no souveniers for you! We have had an amazing time- it is impossible to describe how hard these kids are working- adults too. The joy we see in their faces and those of the kids they are spending time with is incredible. Even if they take a break for a 5 minute lunch- they are playing with the kids and sharing their food, or becoming a life size jungle gym. Then back to work they go.
Please give Nicholas, Alex, and my sweet Lexie lu lol a big, big hug and kiss from me. I miss them all so much- but i do have some pictures on my camera of them that i can look at. My plan is to pick them up after lunch!!!! I am craving salads-that is something i just don't trust here. Pappas' will be seeing me on Monday, anyone for lunch? I am so excited to hear that Allie came to church. Please let him know i love and miss him and am so proud of him. You guys are a big encouragement to him. Don't forget to keep checking the pictures.
i love you all!!

To Michaela Berry: I can't wait until you are old enough to come- hopefully i will still be able to come myself- i may be worn out. haha This is an incredilbe experience, you know that from your dad! Please give Zach, Robert, and Sean a big kiss for me- you better!!! love to mom, dad, and grandma!!! love you! Mrs. Tonia

I don't think Nancy reads this, so someone please relay this to here!
To Nancy Palmer: Please let Myra know how much we love her, we had tears in our eyes when we received a message sending her love to us. Our hearts are heavy for you and the family- please know that you all are in our prayers. love, Tonia and Keith

hope you are doing well- i think i am doing food tomorrow.... where are you when i need you??? That was our special girlfriend time!! I know you wish you were here and we do too!! You are missed by everyone. love you! Tonia

Shirley and Eddie,
i sure do miss you guys and my job!! This is hard work..... I heard about the special contribution, that is soooooo awesome, please let people know how much that means to us and especially to the families we (all of the congregation) are able to help.

George and MaryAnn,
I sure hope you all don't take off again before we come back. I barely got to see you on Sunday. Miss you!!!

Lewis and Rama,
I can't wait to share ALL of my pictures with you when i get back, we have such an incredible group here and they are working so well together. Lewis- you will need to join us for lunch that day!!

Tracey and Vera,
Not sure where you all will be when we get back, but i look forward to sharing the trip with you. Please be sure to convey our love and appreciation to the congregation for their prayers, financial support and love!!

Mark and Charles,
Not sure if you will see this but you would be (i know you already are!!)so proud of your mom-Tami. She works so hard and just loves on the families here. She is also so amazing!!

We miss you!! We would try to call, but we know you won't answer!! lol

We love your messages, you always make us smile. You know if people didn't already think i favored my own kids and CJ- clayton to you!! there would be many more pictures on the blog of them lol!!! I will share those with you personally, because i have taken many!!!! Keep us smiling- Clayton does amazing work here- he is a great motivator and one of the very hardest working people i have every seen!!! Plus he never forgets to give me a morning hug and kiss, and one after the evening devotional!! love, tonia

To all the families of our new kids, they have caught on so well, worked so hard, and haven fallen right in with the rest of the group. Everyone is getting along remarkably and we are blessed that you allowed them to join us.

So you realize, we are still waiting for the bus- we got the clothes packed up pretty quick- an amazing job done by the churches at home in organizing the duffels of stuff. The group going to the hospital will be me, Tom S., Trey, Matt, Johnny, Alex, Caitlin, Sammi, Andy, Cory, Kate, Hayden, Heidi, Chris St, Chris T. and our fearless leader, Cary.

You may not hear from me personally again- we don't usually have this much down time!! I am trying to get pictures on whenever possible, yesterday the internet was down most of the day, and at night we are dog-tired!!! love,


Anonymous said...

I am sorry I haven't gotten on here sooner!!! I just got back in town from a work trip :( I still cannot believe I am not there with you all!!! It sounds like things are going very well. We are all so thankful for that. I miss you guys and am so proud of each and everyone of you and the work you are doing each day! Rick-save a spot on the roof for me next year! And Everyone please be careful when working around Jeff Jolley! Be safe!
Much Love
Shannon Hernandez

Anonymous said...

testing, i don't think my last post worked

Anonymous said...

Tonia. You are amazing! i love you and miss you alot! I would love to sit down with you and look at the pictures with you! They are great!! I know that Clayton is working very hard! He always has and i can only imagine how hard he is working over there. Every time he spoke to me about going over there he spoke with alot of passion and just to see how he helps people around school gives me no dout that he is extremely helpful over there! I love and miss you all so much! Have fun for me! :)

Ashley Miller said...


Heyy Babe...

I got a new phone so u can call my cell now.. Shane friend chris is leting me use his nextel..So my phone problem is fixed..Also today melissa did not have the baby..the doctors couldnt break her water bag.. because the baby head is right there..and if they did then they could of pierced the baby they didnt want to take that chance..Melissa has dialated anoter centimeter..she is now 4..They put this medication on her speed the process up..but they dont know if it is going to work..but hopefully by the end of this week Skyla will be born!! On Sunday im going to church wit ur mom sunday night..and i may stay with her till you get home..Well im going to go..I miss you so much..I Love you..


Toni Torocco said...

Hi Tonia and Tami ... I'm going to try once more and see if you get my messages. Tonia, pictures are AWESOME!!!! And your messages ... I so look forward to them. I sent the blog to Muzio's and Lecarreaux's - I know they will be so proud of you all too! I miss all of you terribly. I will relate all your messages to the rest of the family from you. Everyone looks so great ... we miss ALL of you!!! Kisses and hugs to everyone. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Dear Rob, I can't wait until you get back!. I hope you will remember me and I hope you are having a great time in Honduras. I hope you have a safe trip back, and yes, my mom said I can be at the church when you all get back! See you then, love Zach!

Toni Torocco said...

Oh, forgot. I WILL be at Pappas Monday and I'm sure Jamie will be too. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Dear Laura, I hope you are having fun. I can't wait until you guys get back - I miss you! Your the coolest! Here's a big hug - can you feel it?! Love Michaela.

Dear Mrs. Tonia, thank you for thinking of me. I miss you very much. And I can't wait to be able to go to Honduras with you. You will never be too old and worn out to go - you will have to help my mom when she goes!! Love you, Michaela

Anonymous said...

Hey LB... Hope you aren't doing good and not sick. Hopefully the ones who are will get back on their feet real soon. Of course you know everyone is praying for all of you to come home healthy. Grampsy has promised we can go to your church when you have your special program. Hope you have made some pictures, we get so excited about you coming home and hearing about your stories. Pretty special for two old folks.ha
Ok baby girl we love you and miss you and Mommy does to, even though she is enjoying a rest from all of your running around. ha..... Haven't seen Daddy B's new truck but sounds nice. Love, Hugs & Kisses. P.S. Kylie and Sage says thumbs up to you....They are finally old enough to understand where their oldest cousin is...

Tiffany Sanchez said...

I tried sending a message a few days ago, but something happened to my computer, so I'm trying again. To the NW Tampa Mission team: I wanted to send you my best wishes on a job well done. I see that many great things are happening on this year's trip due to all your hard work and it breaks my heart not be there with you. My surgery went well, my recovery took a bit longer than I thought it would, but thankfully I'm feeling a lot better now. I had my follow-up appointment today and my dentist said everything is healing accordingly, even though it may be a week or two before my mouth is completely healed.
Carrie: I got your message, thanks for thinking of me...I also miss being there, but I hope to see you when you get home. I just saw the photo of you and Fernando...I can't believe how big he is getting...I about cried when I saw it, along with the other great pictures Tonia has taken. Mikey & Heidi: I hope you are getting some great footage for your documentary, I can't wait to see it! With your talent, I'm sure it will be great! Cindy: Please give Rick, Angela, & Gabe all my best...I miss you all and I can't wait to hear about the trip and see your pictures. When are you guys heading to Limoncillo? I was wondering if you could take a picture of Chelsea and Veronica, the ones I sent the packages to...if you don't know who Veronica is, ask Ashley, she knows. I just want to see how the girls are doing. Thanks a bunch! I will write again later, now that I got the hang of this blog...I was a bit confused before. I love you all! Tiffany

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Michael Marrs..just a note to let you know that we are thinking of you. Todd, Dave, Tracey, Bella, and Chuchie grilled out with us saturday night...the steaks were great and we talked about how we'd be eating black beans and tortillas if we were with you. We just want you to enjoy yourself, and know that you are missed by your family here. Chuchie walked into your room today, going "Yoo hoo", but Mikey. I got a little worried when I noticed him wistfully gazing at your guitars hanging on the I put them in the cases just in the event he returned and I wasn't watching. Todd is spending time painting in his new condo; Andy started his job today, and found himself mired in paperwork; Sounds like the entire group down there has been working hard. And, it sounds like you guys have finished some new projects on this trip. We hope that your visit has been enjoyable and that you have been able to capture some good video for the documentary. Please tell Heidi and her family that we miss them, but are glad they are there. I wish I had gone to Honduras this time; I miss spending the time with you, and sharing a bottle of Tropical Uva together. Rumor has it that you plan to bring some home; just remember that the laws may have changed concerning bottles of liquid on might have to share it with everyone there, or dump it at the airport. We love and miss you very much; Travel safe, and we look forward to hearing all of the adventures...when you return.

love you, son...
Dad, Mom, Todd, Andy,Tracey, Dave, Bella, Jonah, and _________ (to be determined soon).