Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Great Works Accomplished Yesterday

There were many groups that set out yesterday to accomplish the Lord's work here in Honduras. 3 new homes were completed, our floor crew worked diligently trying to complete the tile floor in an existing home that was built previously with no floor, and a large group traveled to the Special Needs orphanage to visit and share lunch with the children and then to return to prepare family bags of food for distribution. These bags contain about 2 weeks worth of basic staples such as flour, rice, beans, bouillon, coffee, salt and sugar. Amazing acts of kindness are occuring daily, growth and leadership are being demonstrated in our teens and we all will be better, stronger and more committed by this journey. We ended our day, like we always do, with a devotional led by Chris Stewart last night, who helped us to reflect on the difficulties we experience lugging lumber to sites on steep slopes and reminding us of what Christ endured while carrying his cross to his crucifixion. When we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf so that we may have eternal life, the struggles we experience here seem so minor, and we are able to find that extra bit of energy needed to keep going to complete the task before us. We are uplifted by your prayers and keep you in ours as well.


Tiffany Sanchez said...

Just like Irene said in one of her messages, I haven't been able to write much, but I have been reading the blog every day. I'm writing this message from work, so I might have to make this I can see through your pictures and messages,so many wonderful things are occurring on this trip and so many lives are being touched. This work in Honduras has always been such a blessing for me and it fills my heart with many great emotions to see that the same is occurring for most of you...I'm very proud of the "rookies" who have put such great effort to show all the love they have for this wonderful work. These children, I have always believed, are the hope of their country and the communities they live in. You will be building relationships that will continue in the years ahead...regardless of the language barrier. Because of you, many families will not have to worry about having a roof over their heads and the worry of where their meal is coming from is relieved for the next several weeks. Congrats on a job well-done! I can't wait to hear your stories and see your pictures. Carrie: Keep working hard...if you see any of my kids, please give them a huge hug for me, especially when you go to Limoncillo and to Blanca and her family in Union y Fuerza. I love ya...can't wait to see you when you get back. Cindy B.: Give my best to Rick...I miss you both...keep loving those children like only you have such a great heart when it comes to them. Angela and Gabe: I love you both...I'm sure you'll have some great experiences to share. To the rest of the NW Tampa group: I send you my most sincere best wishes...give it your all these last few days, you'll have time to rest when you get home:) So much for making this message short...See you Sunday!

Anonymous said...

That message I sent (from The Medlins) in Spanish was for Caitlin Sober. Please pass it on.
Harold Medlin

Bettye Evans said...

I'm home now. Miss Jan wore me out. Chris and Jared are great. Their house has improved even more. Chris has done some beautiful things. Wait till you see the mural in the dining room. Bijou says hi!
I've tried 3 times to send you a note, but I don't think you got them. I just don't want you to think that I've forgotten you. I've told everyone in Sparta about your trip and have received notes from people asking about you and your work. Daddy and I are so proud of what you are doing and learning about other people in the world. Remember, you are the "princess of quite alot", but it is mostly the talents of what you have, to give to others.
Also, Cary (sp), the youth minister from Orlando, used to live in Sparta, and baptised Debbie's 3 daughters. They were so excited to see his picture on-line. Small world. Don't forget to tell him your connection to them - first cousin, once removed - to Debbie.
Pepper had a fit when I got home. He hasnt' left my side. Did you forget Daddy's b'day this past Sunday? Send him a note.
We loved seeing your pictures with the children at the special needs hospital. I'm really looking forward to hearing all about your experiences when you get home. Be prepared to "spill your guts" when you get home.
I love you and miss you bunches. Get ready for some "growth kisses" when you get home - I need them.
Love and hugs to all. Mr. Joe and I miss you all. Friday night will be a little quiet this week. I see all of your shining faces and smiles and am amazed at what you are doing. Proud of your work, miss your presence here, and praying for you daily.
Love, Mom/Miss Betty
ps Love seeing c.randolph, b.stewart, c.bonk, and j.matthews in the pictures doing what they are so gifted in doing. I miss you, too. Take cae of my child. B.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! I hope all is continuing to go well for you all in Honduras. Last night Christopher and I had the opportunity to go to HUT, a camp affiliated with Harding that simulates third world countries. I had the priviledge of being in Honduras last night, and for the first time I was truly able to appreciate the many families who tell us they slept outside at night to protect their wood. Five of us piled onto a single tarp guarded from the elements by just a sleeping bag. We also worked all day for our wages with which we bought supper. I laid a few levels on concrete bricks only to receive a kiwi and a few peanuts...and I was lucky. Eventhough one night cannot compare to a lifetime of this kind of living, I just want you all to know that what you are doing really makes a difference and the houses you build are giving people a comfort they may never before have known. I know it's coming to the end of your trip and everyone is feeling guilty thinking about their sore muscles and showers at home, but I know God will give you the strength to power through these next few days because He loves this work, He loves these people, and He loves you.

Be good, be safe, stay strong, love God

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to write and tell you all how much I miss not being there with you! However, I love reading all the updates on the blog and hearing all the stories Mauricio is telling me.
I wanted to encourage you in your work and tell you how proud I am of everyone, I have heard so many amazing stories.
I also wanted to tell you how encouraging your work is to those back home who have never even been to Honduras - because of the example you have shown it encourages others to work for God in the ways that they can. Our special contribution on Sunday raised so much more than expected!

To Stephanie! Please don't worry about Rasta, he is fine. He is back at home with the Howell fam. We've been having a lot of storms with thunder and lightening and I don't think he was very comfortable at my house. Hope you are having a great time. You stay strong even in the face of the unknown! Love you!

To all of the ladies (you know who you are) - Thank you for taking care of my husband! Thank you for talking to him and giving him all the insights into motherhood that he needs. You are invaluable to me!

Tonia, I have missed our "food talk" this year too. Just think of all the things we will have to talk about when I actually get to come back to Honduras!

I love you and I miss you too much and the bean is doing just great - getting bigger everyday! I am so happy to get notes from you whenever I can - it's V improtant!

Please take care of yourselves!
Love, Cherilynne

Anonymous said...

I think i finally figured it out!
ok so how is it over there?
those pics are sooo cute!
i got cruiser today he's oober cute!
i miss you and can't wait till my!
luvs ya!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mom, Dad, Carrie and Catie ...
Guess what ... Stephen won his first BBall game tonight! It was great such a fun game and so intense.. 17/15 so much fun. We wish that you could have been there. Hope you are all well and we can't wait to see you all..

Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

To PJ from mom: PJ my love, I really would like to hear something from you... I feel starved! I am sure you are just working so hard, but can you send a note so that I can feel close to you... love mom

To everyone: God bless you for taking care of my baby boy! :-)

Anonymous said...

Greetings all, especially our Mikey - Just wanted to let you know that we've been busy keeping up with your daily pictures and messages, and most of all praying for a wonderful, productive, safe and spirit-filled trip for all of those working so hard on our Lord's behalf in Honduras. Mikey - we miss you so dirty clothes to pick up, or dirty dishes in the sink, or someone tying up the computer at all hours! Just kidding son, you are truly missed by your Mom and Dad, brothers and sister, and yes...neice and nephew! We knokw you are all working hard on our Lord's behalf, and we are so thankful that we have your love and spirit to share with those who are our brothers and sisters in Christ on our behalf. It humbles us to see the lives that these dedicated people live, knowing that we have so much more than they have and yet they are so happpy in knowing they have Christ in their life. To all of our adult friends and brothers and sisters in are truly being a wonderful example and influence in our children's lives and in the live of those you are helping each day. We love you and appreciate all you are doing to help our children grow in stature and faith, and in helping them to see first hand how God works in our lives. It is my dream to one day be able to join you in this work. We can't wait to be with you again. Our love to all, especially to our 'older' brethren who are working to keep up with the likes of you, and may God continue to bless you in this work, keep you safe, and give you strength.

Mikey, hope you are taking many pictures and that you and Heidi are working hard on the documentary. We understand that Channel 13 is interested in filming more about this mission trip when you return. Meanwhile, be sure to capture everyone hard at work and post on the blog. We're all looking for pictures of our loved ones. We love and miss you so much. Tracey says she's waiting for you to get back before making you an uncle again! Don't forget to share that we're celebrating the 4th again at our house, and let everyone that they are invited to be part of the activities to celebrate this successful trip. Much love always from your loving Mom and Dad....Mom

Anonymous said...

Im not sure if you are going to be able to read this or not before you get home on Sunday but I just wanted to let you know you are definately missed back home and everyone cant wait to see you ha especially me! Im sure everything is going great and many things are being accomplished. Your always in my thoughts and prayers! Love you boy

love pita

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone! Its so great to be able to read about the trip again this year! Seeing all the pictures really makes me miss the trip!Heather and Ashley, love you girls and I cannot wait till your up here in the fall! Hope everything is going well,oh and Heather, you still havent called me :-) Laura beth! Miss ya girl, hope your having an amazing trip this year! I cant wait to here about it. My dad says hi and he hopes your having a great time. Also Happy Birthday on Friday, from all of us! I miss everyone and your all in our prayers here in Nashville. Love all you guys and keep up the amazing work! God Bless!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hayden... So proud of you!!! Love the pictures of u with the children. Hope you are cherishing every moment of your trip. Seems like yesterday you and Laura were acting so goofy (guess was the other day ha) anyway you girls are really growing up and staying so close to the Lord. Stay that way and our Father will bless you each and every day. So VERY PROUD OF YOU.. Love ya... Laura's Nan and Grampsy.....

Anonymous said...

Only found one picture of Ian. Has he fled the country early. Hope all are well.

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone,
How is everyone doing today? I hope that you guys are stil great and still enjoying every second out there. Can't wait till you guys get back. Im glad to keep reading that everyone is safe and hasen't gotten hurt, lets keep it that way. Love you, all.
Querida Familia:
Los estraƱo chuco. To do vien? Hopefuly nicole hasen't fallen again. LOL. Well you all take care. Love you.
I can't wait for you to come back, I miss you so much. So how are you doing? YOu ready to come back, nah i know if it was up to you you would stay there forever. So babe, I got the monday you come back off, so we can hang out if you want to ok. I know you'll have a tons of things to do but if you need help i'll be more than glad to help you with anything ok.
Love you soo much. Gabe.