Thursday, June 21, 2007


Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone,
Day 4 all ready i cant believe it. I know you all wish it was still day one. Im glad to hear that everyone is still safe, hopefully it stays that way. Miss you guys.
Tio Gabi: Hope that you are having an awesome time, i know that this year you really needed honduras. I miss you dude. Take care of the family over there.
Angie: Miss you. Take Care.
Heidi: Hope that you are having a blast. Do alot of recording, i cant wait to see it all.
Nico-Nicole: Take Care of yourself don't be falling all over the place.
Heather G.: enjoy out there. take care of yourself.
Mo: Take care of yourself out there. An dont worrie im taking care of your wife and the bean, like i promissed.
Ashley: Keep save. Miss you alot.
June 21, 2007 Happy 11 Months!! Love you.

WEll Miss you all. Take Care of yourself.
God Bless.
Gabe Jr.

Anonymous said...

HEY ALEX ITS ADAM AND ME AND PAPS ARE in the hotel and we just hope your staying in as good as place as we are. If not keep on trucking because 60 percent of the time it works everytime.

Anonymous said...

Mari Catherine,
Hi!!! I see from the pictures that ya'll are staying pretty busy!!
We were glad to hear you arrived w/o any mishaps. Daddy says hi and so do Mama and Papa-- I showed Mimi how to get on the blog so she'll probably send you an e-mail soon. Your Cat is lost w/o you!!
Today I spent the day taking everyone to their appointments and Daddy stayed home off his foot--he gets his stitches out on Monday.
Tomorrow night we are going to Megan Ray's wedding-- I'll tell you all about that when we get back.
I'll go now, Sweetie, we miss you terribly but are so proud of you and all the kids for serving God by helping these people!!!! Take Care!
Love, Mom