Friday, June 27, 2008

My Matt and Jillian,

Today God continued to touch my life in wonderful ways. I started the day with a visit to the special needs orphanage. I played with a sweet girl and we both got great laughs by having her do spin outs in her wheelchair. Her squeal of joy was amazing! Then we went to the blind school and played with the children there. As I walked through the door a precious boy was standing there and I asked his name. He told me it was Christian. As he asked mine I replied and he repeated what sounded like Jillian. I have to say it took me back for a moment. I explained Jillian was my bambino at home and for the rest of the afternoon we were great friends! After we played they sang for us and it sounded like angels in heaven. Then we sang for them and they listened so intently. I have many more details and tremendous moments to share with you. That is just a quick note that does not even begin to convey Gods hand that was upon us today. As the day is coming to an end I am looking forward to seeing you both and holding you soon. I am certainly leaving a piece of my heart here though. God has given me many lessons through this trip and I am looking forward to living those.
I will not post again as I know tomorrow morning will be busy and will be on our way home with the Lords help. I know you are praying for all of our safe travels so thank you.
I can not wait to hug and kiss you both about a million times!!
All my love,

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