Saturday, June 21, 2008

Good Morning Friends,

Another glorius Lord´s Day has arrived in Tegus. We had such a successful day yesterday. The prayers continue to go up from all and the blessings come down, just like the VBS song. We have completed 15 houses so far - that´s 15 houses in 4 working days. Thank you God for using us in such a powerful way to provide 15 families with a home. We also saw about 200 people in our first medical clinic and dispensed medicine and vitamins. When our bus arrived at the church around 9:30, there was already a long line of people waiting for the clinic. The Hondurans are so thankful to receive Tylenol, vitamins and worm medicine and will wait hours to be able to speak with someone who can maybe help them. We feel so limited in what we can provide, but we do what we can.

Our first VBS was tremendously welcomed and received. To say it was successful is putting it mildly! The church was packed and we actually had to close the door! The children heard about Jesus while making sashes, T'shirts, crowns and flip-flops. So many smiles and laughter. For all that participated, it was food for the soul.

After a long day of hard work and effort, the group was rewareded with a trip to the mall. A good meal, shopping, and calls to home were a great way to finish the day. Even having to battle the traffic congestion to get there was worth it. Especially this morning for those of us who bought Cinnabon´s for breakfast! Whoops, I don´t think I am supposed to let you know that we actually have non-Honduran food from time to time. Let me tell you - another nice, sweet treat!

We closed out our night with a devotional given by Alex Holder on keeping our passion alive for Christ after we leave Honduras. Keith than spoke to us about resisting discouragement and not to get tired of doing what is good. There are many things that Satan will try to do to keep us from completing our mission. Paul tells us in Galations ¨So don´t get tired of doing what is good. Don´t get discouraged and give up...¨ When we are discouraged, we become ineffective. When we become self driven instead of Christ driven, we work against our faith. When we don´t get our way, we allow frustration and complaining to effect our mission. We know that nothing really worthwhile ever comes easy in life. We need to keep our mission in mind, and little by little our life becomes a masterpiece of God´s grace.

Blessings from Honduras,
(submitted by Suzanne)


Anonymous said...

congratulations to everyone on making it through the first week! i was blown away to read about 15 houses in 4 working! as most of you know, this "comment" will be lengthy as usual so just bear with me. this is for all B's and the C's and the H's and the G's. this is to my former roomates from last year: Be Aware of the ocean, especially of barracudas and tiger sharks. i know a couple of you have caught some fish, so dont eat them. to mauricio: NYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to heather S.: some species of dolphins are known to swim upstream into honduras, so if you see one, dont scare all the new people by trying to kiss it. ashley K: dont make any music videos while youre there. i want to be there for the next one. to hayden, kate, and alyssa: i wish i were there to take sweet pictures in our awesome sunglasses with you guys. so do the next best thing: take pictures of yourselves with a little space in between, and i'll photoshop myself in there. rob and laura: score some goals so we gringos have some room to talk next year. to gabe: spain plays on sunday. im pumped for them. also, if the bus's breaks go out, just pray. it worked last time. angela: keep spreading the love of christ and tigger. the kids will love it. to heidi: if youre shooting more footage, take some more interviews so we can have another blooper reel. to nay nay: "feel free to go ashore...the next time we make port!!!!" to keith: youre the man, and i wish i could be there to disappoint you with a busted knee or a misplaced passport. anyways, thats all i have to say about that. keep it real in Tegu! ive got your back here in tampa. i love you all and may God bless you through this good work.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! I was looking at the pictures with Michael and he wanted to type this message to his Mimi Poppy and Catie (as he told us I have to write cause he can't spell!) ....
I miss them, poppy is working hard with his gloves and he says that he needs real tools to come help you work. Mimi I can't wait till you come home so we can go to the panda movie. I love you! Catie is pretty!
We are all missing you terrible and can't wait until you are all back home.
Love you all!
Tonia - Savanna said that she is so glad that she could be a part of your trp even though she is not there :)

Tiffany Sanchez said...

To the NW Tampa team:

I tried leaving a message a few days ago, but somehow it didn't go let me try again. Sounds like you're having a great trip and I enjoy hearing all the updates...especially with how well the rookies are doing. The pictures posted so far are absolutely beautiful. To Cindy Bonk: I can't believe how big Fernando is getting...he's turning into a handsome young man...I'm sure Carrie loved getting that photo. To Angela Garcia: I did get your was a totally unexpected surprise...I also miss being with the group these 2 weeks and working alongside with you, so hopefully next year. I can't wait to hear about everyone's experiences...this trip is truly life-changing and you'll never see things the same way again. When is the group going to Limoncillo? For those of you who haven't gone, what a caring, friendly group of people...Rick and Cindy, please tell Ronald and his family know that I'm sorry I couldn't see them and that I send many hugs and kisses to the kids. Everyone take care and keep up the great work! I'll try to write again.


Anonymous said...

To my family in Honduras,

May the Lord bless each and everyone of you for you shine His light in the darkness... and His light is seen by all.. it gives warmth, and sunbathes the weak giving them stength... May it always be about Him and His light. I love you all... A message from Julie Sanon

Message from Leah to PJ
Hi little brother... stay safe and remember who owns you...